2025-03-21 |
Town of Orangeville |
2025-02-17 |
dapope.com |
Screen |
2024-12-11 |
midwest.com |
Screen |
2024-12-09 |
copresi.es |
Screen |
2024-11-28 |
893.63GB of DataIncluding data from companies such as BMW, Caterpillar, Rivian, Tesla and others.JTEKT North America is an engineering and manufacturing company of automotive systems, bearing solutions, and high-performance machine tools.Revenue $1.5 BillionAutomotive Parts · South Carolina, United States · 5,000 Employees |
Screen |
2024-11-27 |
Grandview School District |
The Grandview School District, with families and the community, will put students first by providing a high-quality education. GSD will nurture and empower each student to reach their full potential. We commit to empower each student to reach their full potential by ¡cultivating una cultura de success! The Grandview School District consists of three elementary schools, one middle school, one high school, and a contract learning center. The organization refused to take responsibility for the personal files of employees, students, children. You can study all the information at the link, for any further implementation. |
Screen |
2024-11-23 |
co.cullman.al.us |
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2024-11-18 |
eastgateauto.com |
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2024-11-18 |
kciaviation.com |
KCI Aviation's headquarters is in Taylor County at 1211 AFG Road, Bridgeport, WV with a hangar in Buckhannon, WV.Facilities at Buckhannon, WV (KW22) include a 10,000 sq ft hangar. The KCI Aviation management team is a cohesive group of avaiation professionals dedicated to serving the flying public while maintaining the highest of standards of quality and safety. |
Screen |
2024-11-17 |
hetrhedens.nl |
Industry Education
Revenue $21.2 Million
Headquarters 7 Doesburgsedijk, Dieren, Gelderland, 6951AA, Netherlands
Phone Number +31 313490900
10/10/2024 09:48 AM <DIR> Personeel
10/10/2024 11:46 AM <DIR> Projecten en projectweken
10/10/2024 09:48 AM <DIR> Rapportvergaderingen en LBVs
10/10/2024 11:45 AM <DIR> Contracten en overeenkomsten
10/10/2024 09:48 AM <DIR> Bussen voor activiteiten etc
10/10/2024 11:46 AM <DIR> Examensecretariaat
10/10/2024 11:44 AM <DIR> protocollen
10/10/2024 11:41 AM <DIR> Nederlands
10/10/2024 11:42 AM <DIR> prive
10/10/2024 11:25 AM <DIR> Bank
Total Files Listed:
93030 File(s) 36,834,963,745 bytes
36663 Dir(s) 2,109,684,600,832 bytes free
https://nl.linkedin.com/company/het-rhedens |
Screen |
2024-11-16 |
kapurinc.com |
Industry Construction
Revenue $56 Million
Headquarters 7711 N Port Washington Rd, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United State
Phone Number (414) 751-7200
11/15/2024 07:32 AM <DIR> Admin
10/04/2024 02:48 AM <DIR> Assessors
10/04/2024 02:48 AM <DIR> Clerk
11/15/2024 07:36 AM <DIR> Engineering
11/15/2024 07:58 AM <DIR> Finance
10/04/2024 02:50 AM <DIR> GIS
10/04/2024 02:51 AM <DIR> Health
10/04/2024 02:51 AM <DIR> HR
10/04/2024 02:51 AM <DIR> Inspection
10/04/2024 02:51 AM <DIR> Intercompany
10/04/2024 02:51 AM <DIR> IT
10/04/2024 02:51 AM <DIR> Planning
Total Files Listed:
23520 File(s) 22,909,536,136 bytes
6728 Dir(s) 2,091,910,737,920 bytes free
https://www.linkedin.com/company/kapurinc |
Screen |
2024-11-16 |
brandywinecoachworks.com |
Industry Automotive Service
Revenue $14.1 Million
Headquarters 1209 Baltimore Pike, Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, United State
Phone Number 610) 459-8860
10/02/2024 02:46 AM <DIR> Executive
10/02/2024 02:49 AM <DIR> A Administration
10/02/2024 02:47 AM <DIR> 401K INFO
10/02/2024 02:47 AM <DIR> ACCOUNTING
10/02/2024 02:47 AM <DIR> Accounts Recievable
10/02/2024 02:47 AM <DIR> ACCRUED PAYROLL CHECK 04.30.24
10/02/2024 02:47 AM <DIR> ADAS BUSINESSES
10/02/2024 03:26 AM <DIR> BANKS
10/02/2024 02:48 AM <DIR> BUDGET
10/02/2024 02:48 AM <DIR> COMPANY VEHICLES
10/02/2024 02:48 AM <DIR> CONTRACTS
10/02/2024 02:48 AM <DIR> CREDIT APPS
10/02/2024 02:48 AM <DIR> CREDIT FACILITY
10/02/2024 02:48 AM <DIR> EMPLOYEE RELIEF FUND
10/02/2024 02:48 AM <DIR> INSURANCE HEALTH
10/02/2024 02:49 AM <DIR> INSURANCE P&C
10/02/2024 02:49 AM <DIR> INTEGRATION TEAM
10/02/2024 02:49 AM <DIR> Pay Plans
10/02/2024 02:46 AM <DIR> Payrolls
10/02/2024 02:47 AM <DIR> REPORTS
10/02/2024 02:46 AM <DIR> ADMINISTRATION
Total Files Listed:
266979 File(s) 90,760,609,458 bytes
58846 Dir(s) 2,049,200,955,392 bytes free
https://www.linkedin.com/company/brandywine-coach-works-inc. |
Screen |
2024-11-16 |
klarenbeek-transport.nl |
klarenbeek-transport.nlIndustry ManufacturingRevenue $5.3 MillionHeadquarters 4 Dunenkamperweg, Stroe, Gelderland, 3776, Netherlands Phone Number +31 342442094Klarenbeek Transport is een Nederlands transportbedrijf, gespecialiseerd in (internationaal) geconditioneerd transport. |
Screen |
2024-11-16 |
surgicalassociates.com |
Industry Healthcare
Revenue $5 Million
Headquarters 806 Saint Vincents Dr Ste 500, Birmingham, Alabama
Phone Number (205) 930-9188
10/09/2024 12:23 AM <DIR> Accounting
10/09/2024 12:23 AM <DIR> Amex Statements
10/09/2024 12:28 AM <DIR> Bank Statements
10/09/2024 12:23 AM <DIR> HN Medical Records
10/09/2024 12:28 AM <DIR> 2022 bank Statements
10/09/2024 12:28 AM <DIR> 2023 bank statments
10/09/2024 12:23 AM <DIR> CREDIT CARD BREAKDOWN - Copy
10/09/2024 12:23 AM <DIR> Scanned Documents
Total Files Listed:
544005 File(s) 120,738,599,559 bytes
16625 Dir(s) 1,980,405,755,904 bytes free
https://www.zoominfo.com/c/surgical-associates-pc/37143162 |
Screen |
2024-11-16 |
billyheromans.com |
Industry Retail
Revenue $19.6 Million
Headquarters 10812 N Harrells Ferry Rd, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Phone Number (225) 272-7673
Crystal Green 504-909-9131
Zoe Franco 504-810-3709
Jessica Galetz 504-858-5531
Carmon Chord 504-453-0738
Linda Figueroa 985-788-1911
Jamie Risbourg 504-460-6324
Tyrone Fontenette 225-270-6862
10/20/2024 12:30 PM <DIR> Accounting
10/20/2024 11:36 AM <DIR> Administration
10/20/2024 12:18 PM <DIR> Accounting Procedures
10/20/2024 12:23 PM <DIR> ACCOUNTS PAYABLE
10/20/2024 12:24 PM <DIR> Audits
10/20/2024 12:24 PM <DIR> Bank Rec
10/20/2024 12:24 PM <DIR> BANKRUPTCY NOTICES
10/20/2024 12:24 PM <DIR> Budget and Financial
10/20/2024 12:24 PM <DIR> Contract
10/20/2024 12:24 PM <DIR> Contract Scans
10/20/2024 12:24 PM <DIR> Credit Card Transactions
10/20/2024 12:30 PM <DIR> Daily Deposits
10/20/2024 12:30 PM <DIR> Donation Records
10/20/2024 12:30 PM <DIR> PARTNERS
10/20/2024 12:30 PM <DIR> Sales Tax
10/20/2024 12:30 PM <DIR> SAP Concur
10/20/2024 12:20 PM <DIR> VENDOR CREDITS
10/20/2024 12:23 PM <DIR> VENDOR INVOICES
10/20/2024 12:18 PM <DIR> CREDIT REQUEST
10/20/2024 11:50 AM <DIR> Human Resources
Total Files Listed:
70169 File(s) 78,817,677,741 bytes
33509 Dir(s) 3,236,998,713,344 bytes free
https://www.linkedin.com/company/billy-heroman%27s---flowers-plant-services-and-gifts |
Screen |
2024-11-16 |
kenmore.com |
kenmore.comIndustry ManufacturingRevenue $5 MillionHeadquarters 678 N Wells St, Chicago, Illinois, 60654, United StatePhone Number (312) 265-0871The Kenmore brand is an industry leader in providing reliable performance in the home through smart and stylish appliance innovations. |
Screen |
2024-11-15 |
marysville.k12.oh.us |
marysville.k12.oh.us 121 GB
Industry Education
Employees 550
Revenue $23.4 Million
Headquarters 800 Amrine Mill Rd, Marysville, Ohio, 43040, United States
Phone Number (937) 642-0010
Thomas Powers
IT Director
Tom Powers Tech Tech Coach 614-332-9861
Mike White
Business Business Director 937-578-6110
Chris Deis
Tech Tech Director 614-753-5106 OR 937-578-6100
Jeffrey Wargo
Maintenance 8600 644-8123 Jeff Wargo 8602
Jeff Wargo Maint Maint Director 6175 937-243-0210
Jeff Wargo Cell 243-0210 Home 642-5832
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> Automated Calling
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> Budgetary
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> Classified
10/28/2024 06:26 PM <DIR> Everyone
10/28/2024 06:27 PM <DIR> Human Resources
10/28/2024 06:27 PM <DIR> Intern
10/28/2024 06:30 PM <DIR> Payroll
10/28/2024 06:32 PM <DIR> PD Certificates
10/28/2024 06:32 PM <DIR> PERRP
10/28/2024 06:32 PM <DIR> Reading Specialists
10/28/2024 06:32 PM <DIR> Receptionist Notes
10/28/2024 06:32 PM <DIR> Reflection7
10/28/2024 06:32 PM <DIR> Registration
10/28/2024 06:32 PM <DIR> Resident Educator Certificates
10/28/2024 06:32 PM <DIR> Special Education
10/28/2024 06:32 PM <DIR> State Assessment Results
10/28/2024 06:32 PM <DIR> Supt-Asst
10/28/2024 06:32 PM <DIR> TreasOffice
10/28/2024 06:34 PM <DIR> Utilities
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> MASTER MEVSD Staff
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> 2024-2025 check numbers
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> Arbiter Pay
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> Athletics
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> Audit items
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> Balancing - Accounts Receivable
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> Bond Debt Spreadsheets
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> Deposits
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> Donation Letters
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> Inventory
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> Invoices
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> Receipt documentation
10/28/2024 06:25 PM <DIR> MEDICAL
Total Files Listed:
490092 File(s) 121,820,574,426 bytes
219128 Dir(s) 10,884,265,222,144 bytes free |
Screen |
2024-11-13 |
stalyhill-inf.tameside.sch.uk |
Stalyhill Infants is a very special school and we hope that you soon feel a valued part of our family. We believe children learn in response to the environment in which they find themselves and to the adults whom they encounter. At Stalyhill Infants, we provide learning opportunities in attractive surroundings, led by a highly professional and dedicated team of teachers, support staff and governors. We care deeply for the development of each individual child and put your child at the centre of all we do; they always come first.Phone Number +44 1457763598Revenue $5 Million |
Screen |
2024-11-12 |
steppingstonesd.org |
Industry Healthcare
Revenue $9 Million
Headquarters 3767 Central Ave San Diego, California, US
Phone Number (619) 278-0777
Picard, Andrew Executive Director 1-559-901-2880
Palmer, Joshua L. Program Manager 1-619-372-2697
Levitt, Vera Director of Operations 1-714-222-5191
Quinlan, Rhonda Director of Finance 1-619-947-4974
Highfill, Pam Clinical Director 1-619-454-4980
Moreland, Tracie Receptionist 1619-453-6946
Dennehy, Mollie T. Recovery Facilities Manager 1-619-372-8148
Chip-Tinker, Katie Accounting Associate 1-760-586-8235
Johnson, Nicole S Billing Specialist 1-619-372-8129
Cheryl Houk Executive Director 619-278-0777 ext.114, 619-584-4010 ext.114
Chris Mueller Director of Programs 619-278-0777 ext.105, 619-584-4010 ext.105
Corp Phone 619-584-4010
10/07/2024 02:00 AM <DIR> AD BuP
10/07/2024 02:35 AM <DIR> AdminDept
10/07/2024 02:02 AM <DIR> Billing
10/07/2024 02:28 AM <DIR> CompanyData
10/07/2024 01:17 AM <DIR> Development
10/07/2024 02:08 AM <DIR> DP
10/07/2024 02:38 AM <DIR> Finance
10/07/2024 01:11 AM <DIR> H.U.D
10/07/2024 02:33 AM <DIR> MyBook
10/07/2024 02:43 AM <DIR> NonRes
10/07/2024 02:43 AM <DIR> Paychex
10/07/2024 02:25 AM <DIR> Residential
10/07/2024 02:21 AM <DIR> COUNTY COMPLIANCE
10/07/2024 02:10 AM <DIR> Building Inspections
10/07/2024 02:21 AM <DIR> Covid 19 Reporting
10/07/2024 02:10 AM <DIR> Private Pay
10/07/2024 02:22 AM <DIR> Projects
10/07/2024 02:22 AM <DIR> Staff Directory
10/07/2024 02:22 AM <DIR> Staff Meetings
10/07/2024 02:04 AM <DIR> Contracts - Agency
10/07/2024 02:04 AM <DIR> Contracts - BHIF
10/07/2024 01:23 AM <DIR> Contracts - BHS
10/07/2024 02:10 AM <DIR> Contracts - HOPWA
10/07/2024 01:27 AM <DIR> Contracts - Public Health
10/07/2024 02:08 AM <DIR> Corporate Documents
10/07/2024 01:29 AM <DIR> Insurance
10/07/2024 02:09 AM <DIR> Inventory
10/07/2024 02:10 AM <DIR> Lease Agreements
10/07/2024 02:10 AM <DIR> National Labs
10/07/2024 01:32 AM <DIR> Resources
10/07/2024 02:08 AM <DIR> Payroll Returns
Total Files Listed:
154608 File(s) 534,570,405,617 bytes
56364 Dir(s) 2,270,660,227,072 bytes free
https://www.linkedin.com/company/steppingstonesd |
Screen |
2024-11-12 |
jst.es |
J.S.T. España, S.A., founded in 1981, belongs to the Japanese multinational based in Osaka, J.S.T. MFG CO.,LTD. One of the world's leading manufacturers of connectors and terminals for the electrical and electronics industry. |
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2024-11-12 |
jarrellimc.com |
jarrellimc.com 144 GB
Industry Real Estate
Employees 30
Revenue $6.4 Million
Headquarters 1005 Sophia St, Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22401, United States
Phone Number (540) 899-3825
09/14/2024 08:38 AM <DIR> 9 - Insurance
09/14/2024 08:14 AM <DIR> Development Status Meeting
09/14/2024 08:14 AM <DIR> Holiday List
09/14/2024 08:14 AM <DIR> Invoices and Bills
09/14/2024 08:14 AM <DIR> Job Descriptions
09/14/2024 08:14 AM <DIR> Marketing
09/14/2024 08:14 AM <DIR> Procedures
09/14/2024 08:15 AM <DIR> Project Management
09/14/2024 08:15 AM <DIR> RZ Team Meetings
09/14/2024 08:15 AM <DIR> Traffic Data
09/14/2024 08:14 AM <DIR> Caroline County - Completed
09/14/2024 08:14 AM <DIR> King George County
09/14/2024 08:14 AM <DIR> Spotsylvania County - Completed
09/14/2024 08:14 AM <DIR> Stafford County - Completed
09/14/2024 08:14 AM <DIR> Mailed to HOA
09/14/2024 08:16 AM <DIR> Payables
09/14/2024 08:16 AM <DIR> Personal Property Tax
09/14/2024 08:16 AM <DIR> Project Management Calculation
09/14/2024 08:16 AM <DIR> Property Tax Assessment
09/14/2024 08:16 AM <DIR> Scans
09/14/2024 08:15 AM <DIR> Bank Recs 2022
09/14/2024 08:15 AM <DIR> Bank Recs 2023
09/14/2024 08:16 AM <DIR> Contractor Info
09/14/2024 08:16 AM <DIR> 1-Developments
09/14/2024 08:16 AM <DIR> 5-Flyers
09/14/2024 08:16 AM <DIR> City of Fburg
09/14/2024 08:16 AM <DIR> Prospects
09/14/2024 08:19 AM <DIR> Final Invoice
09/14/2024 08:19 AM <DIR> - Financials & Credit & App
09/14/2024 08:20 AM <DIR> - Financials & Credit
09/14/2024 08:38 AM <DIR> Organizational Documents
09/14/2024 08:38 AM <DIR> Special Meetings
09/14/2024 08:38 AM <DIR> Cash Flow Analysis - Projects
09/14/2024 08:15 AM <DIR> Residential Budgets and Cash Flows
09/14/2024 08:16 AM <DIR> Year End
Total Files Listed:
30798 File(s) 144,329,862,833 bytes
19842 Dir(s) 3,639,052,312,576 bytes free |
Screen |
2024-11-11 |
Supply Technologies |
Supply Technologies, a subsidiary of ParkOhio(NASDAQ:PKOH), specializes in supplier selection and management, planning, implementing, managing the physical flow of product for world-class international manufacturing companies, and servicing customers in the various markets. |
Screen |
2024-11-11 |
Maxxis International |
Founded in Taiwan, Maxxis got its start by making bicycle tires, and soon expanded its offerings to include tires for auto, light truck, ATV, motorcycle, trailer, and more. Today, Maxxis distributes its products in more than 180 countries and has operations in Asia, North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Australia, employing more than 30,000 people. Maxxis’ ability to serve customers around the world is rooted in its manufacturing capacity, which includes facilities in Taiwan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, and India. Maxxis opened its first distribution facility in North America in 1985, and today has more than half a million square feet of warehouse space across the U.S., located in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Dallas/Fort Worth, and Indianapolis. |
Screen |
2024-11-11 |
dezinecorp.com |
DezineCorp has been a trusted supplier of decorated promotional products in Canada since 2009, enabling businesses of all sizes to build their brand with top quality branded merchandise.When only the best will do, DezineCorp is here for you.Company size 51-200 employeesIndustry Advertising ServicesHeadquarters Mississauga, OntarioPhone Number (310) 360-3961Revenue $6.2 Million |
Screen |
2024-11-02 |
SVP Worldwide |
SVP Worldwide, founded in 2004 and headquartered in Lavergne, Tennessee, designs, manufactures, and distributes sewing, quiltingDespite numerous attempts to negotiate with SVP Worldwide management , we were ignored, remember that for SVP Worldwide money is much more important than personal data of their employees and partners. |
Screen |
2024-10-29 |
nathcompanies.com |
Screen |
2024-10-28 |
Who is AEROTECNIC? AEROTECNIC is a dynamic, flexible and highly qualified company whose MISSION is the comprehensive management of aerostructures and aeronautical components. OUR MISSION To manage in a comprehensive way the production of aerostructures and components meeting the expectations of our customers, with a team of experts and committed to competitiveness through innovation. To become a leader in the aerospace industry aerostructure manufacturing company.800+gb of data including drawings, contracts, and personal data will be available within 24 hours. |
Screen |
2024-10-26 |
wescan-services.com 760 GB |
Industry Construction
Employees 500
Revenue $22.4 Million
Headquarters 1049 Logan Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3E 1P6, Canada
Phone Number (615) 893-5812
Shawn Henry (President) >mobile: (204) 293-3644 > (204) 786-3384
Tanner Harcus >mobile: (204) 333-4395
Amy Nault >mobile: (204) 899-1761
James Vanderhorst >mobile: (204) 803-3889
Ross Brown >mobile: (204) 794-5135
Jana Smith > (807) 543-2493 >homePhone: (807) 543-2493
Lori Stebnitsky > (807) 543-2493 >homePhone: (807) 543-2493
Michael Cruz > (204) 786-3384
10/05/2024 07:32 AM <DIR> Finance
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> Accounting
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> BEV Steph THOMPSON
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> DfsrPrivate
10/05/2024 07:30 AM <DIR> AccountsPayable
10/05/2024 07:30 AM <DIR> Alliance
10/05/2024 07:30 AM <DIR> AMPSInfo
10/05/2024 07:30 AM <DIR> AR Audits
10/05/2024 07:30 AM <DIR> Bank Transition
10/05/2024 07:30 AM <DIR> BankRec's
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> Financial Reporting
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> MarketRecoveryJobs
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> MastercardBreakouts
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> PAYROLL
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> Payroll Invoices
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> PST-Certificates
10/05/2024 07:30 AM <DIR> INVOICE-Letterhead-Wescan
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> 2 Electrical Services
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> 3 Mechanical Services
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> 4 Residential
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> 5 Special Projects
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> EmployeeInfo
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> Payroll 2023
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> Payroll 2024
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> BANKED TIME
10/05/2024 11:41 AM <DIR> Federated insurance
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> DfsrPrivate
10/05/2024 07:32 AM <DIR> VisaPayments
10/05/2024 07:30 AM <DIR> CapitalAssets
10/05/2024 07:30 AM <DIR> Boeing
10/05/2024 07:30 AM <DIR> CreditCardSummaries
10/05/2024 07:30 AM <DIR> Bank Letter2
10/05/2024 07:30 AM <DIR> Bank Reconciliation
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> Bank Statements
10/05/2024 07:31 AM <DIR> Donations
10/05/2024 08:29 AM <DIR> National Pipe Hanger
10/05/2024 08:34 AM <DIR> Drawings
10/05/2024 08:34 AM <DIR> Specifications
10/05/2024 08:35 AM <DIR> Coordination
10/05/2024 08:35 AM <DIR> Shops
10/05/2024 11:41 AM <DIR> General Documents
10/05/2024 11:41 AM <DIR> Plans
Total Files Listed:
150370 File(s) 759,010,939,024 bytes
57383 Dir(s) 2,800,471,965,696 bytes free |
Screen |
2024-10-26 |
wescan-services.com |
Screen |
2024-10-25 |
lolaliza.com |
At LolaLiza, we believe that outer appearance reflects the inner soul, which is why it is our aim to dress confident women confidently.https://www.zoominfo.com/c/lolaliza/423391374
Industry Retail
Revenue $133.2 Million
Company size 501-1,000 employees
Locations Zaterdagplein 1, Brussels, Brussels Region 1000, BE
Phone Number +32 25268850
Data 700GB + |
Screen |
2024-10-25 |
zyloware.com |
8 Slater St, Port Chester, New York, 10573, United States
Phone Number
(914) 708-1200
$12.5 Million
50 Employees
We are a diverse group of experts in product design, marketing, quality assurance, inventory management, and operations. We leverage the power of our expertise to be a full-service partner for you – to provide comprehensive support and fine-tune business strategies so you can flourish in a complex marketplace. |
Screen |
2024-10-25 |
omara-ag.com |
1626 Delaware Ave, Des Moines, Iowa, 50317, United States
Phone Number
(515) 989-2094
$5.7 Million
34 Employees
99 GB
O’Mara makes your manufacturing process a priority. Our product quality, pristine design, and efficient processes do not know industry limitations. Specializing in seed equipment and facilities, we also handle grain, automotive, agricultural, food processing, edibles, and other industries. Our engineers are here to meet your project and equipment needs.Whether you need to design and construct an entire seed facility, purchase a conveyor for your production line, or a solution for unloading bulk product more efficiently, you can get started today with our dedicated team representing over 150 years combined experience. O’Mara has the solution and expertise you need. At O’Mara Ag, we are, Built for Seed. |
Screen |
2024-10-25 |
nrcs.net |
Nicole Roth Current Workplace
North Ridgeville
E Broad St Unit 88, Columbus, Ohio, 43215, United States
Roxann Ramsey-Caserio
Phone Number
(440) 353-1112
Hannia Abed Administrative Assistant (440)-353-1108
Bainbridge Road North Ridgeville (440) 327-4444
North Ridgeville High School (440) 327-1992
Rachel Nakoneczny Secretary (440)-327-1992
Tracy Shiltz Secretary (440)-327-1992
North Ridgeville Academic Center (440) 353-1180
Rachel Nakoneczny Secretary (440)-327-1992
Tracy Shiltz Secretary (440)-327-1992
North Ridgeville Academic Center (440) 353-1180
Laura Sanchez Secretary (440)-353-1131
Cassie Dresden Secretary (440)-353-1142
Michelle Rock Secretary (440)-353-1139
Cynthia Jackson Building Secretary (440)-353-7246
Employees 558
The North Ridgeville City School District serves nearly 5,000 students and consists of five buildings: Early Childhood Learning Community (preschool and kindergarten), Liberty Elementary (grades 1-2), Ranger High-Tech Academy (grades 3-8), North Ridgeville Academic Center (grades 3-8), and North Ridgeville High Schools (grades 9-12). |
Screen |
2024-10-25 |
deschampsimp.com |
9660 Boul Du Golf, Anjou, Quebec, H1J 2Y7, Canada
Phone Number
(514) 353-2442
$12.5 Million
Business Services
262 Employees
172 GB
Commercial, Security and Digital PrintingSince 1926, Deschamps Impression has honed its skills and developed a leading expertise in the printing industry. Our team of professionals have the experience, skill and passion to fulfil your needs in print communications.Experts in offset, digital and security printing, we use innovative technologies that produce highly satisfying results. Deschamps Impression offers the best solutions for your projects. Our unparalleled creativity and our commitment to quality provide you with customized tools that will exceed your expectations. |
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2024-10-25 |
unitedsprinkler.com |
80 Potomac Creek Dr, Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22405, United States
Phone Number
(540) 659-4675
$7.5 Million
Several factors contribute to our success in maintaining this ideal, but the one to which we are most dedicated is self-sufficiency.
In this way, we can assure our clients the utmost in quality design and engineering, fiscal management, needs analysis, material, installation, and maintenance.
So that you can rely on us, we make certain that we don’t have to rely on anyone else. All of the needs analysis, cost analysis, design, and engineering are performed by our staff with the aid of computer and CAD technology. |
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2024-10-22 |
Aerotecnic |
EROTECNIC is a dynamic, flexible and highly qualified company whose MISSION is the integrated management of aircraft structures and aircraft components. OUR MISSION
To manage in a
comprehensive way
aerostructures and
components that meet
expectations of our
customers, with a team of experts
and committed to
competitiveness through
Becoming a leader in the aerospace industry
a company that manufactures
aircraft structures, through an
efficient business model
We have 800+GB of data leaked from network. -Users Data -Business data-Employee data-Production data-Financial data -other data, which is not specified yet and were taken from different shares and personal folders |
Screen |
2024-10-21 |
Teddy SpA |
Gruppo Teddy offers clothing and accessories for men, women, and children in Europe and internationally.Despite repeated attempts to contact Teddy SpA management we were completely ignored.We have 1TB of data leaked from network. -Users Data -Business data -Employee data -Production data -Financial data -other data, which is not specified yet and were taken from different shares and personal foldersTEDDY SPA has 24 hours to get in touch with us. |
Screen |
2024-10-19 |
rcschools.net |
Industry Education
Employees 5,700
Revenue $202.8 Million
Phone Number (615) 893-5812
Headquarters 2240 Southpark Dr, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 37128, United States
James Sullivan
Chief Financial Officer
Brian Runion
Chief Communications Officer (Cco)
James Evans
Chief Technology Officer
Kim Carpenter
\Shares\DataCenter Docs
\Shares\Direct Cert
Total Files Listed:
3553 File(s) 128,598,619,147 bytes
1340 Dir(s) 5,052,680,413,184 bytes free |
Screen |
2024-10-19 |
mopsohio.com |
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2024-10-19 |
Kansas City Hospice |
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2024-10-18 |
Neighbors Credit Union |
Neighbors Credit Union is a not-for-profit, full service financial institution where every member has a voice in how our credit union works, and how each of us is served. Our service promise to you: making your financial life easy, trustworthy and life changing ... for everyday money management to special occassions and monumental accomplishments. Because that's what being a great Neighbor is all about.Revenue $21.5 MillionBanking · Missouri, United States · 113 Employees |
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2024-10-12 |
Volta River Authority |
The Volta River Authority generates, transmits and distributes electricity under the Volta River Development. Electricity, Oil & Gas · Ghana · 405 Employees |
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2024-10-04 |
GenPro Inc. |
"Genpro, Inc. is an integrated 3PL with over 30 years of experience and a deep bench of proven professionals on both the shipper and carrier side. Real-time market intelligence keeps our shippers and carriers up-to-date on current pricing, availability and market trends. Our advanced technology facilitates data connectivity across platforms and systems. We're recognized as a trusted advisor, liaison, and partner for logistics planning and solutions in the most demanding, competitive and time sensitive applications."As it turns out, the word 'TRUSTED' doesn't suit this company at all. Despite the terms offered, the management chose to disregard the protection of their employees' and partners' personal data for the sake of short-term profit.We hope that the disclosed data will help you achieve your goals and demonstrate that greed inevitably leads to the most nightmarish consequences. |
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2024-10-02 |
Branhaven Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram |
Branhaven Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAM has been serving drivers in New Haven, Hartford, MiddletownWe have spoken to the management of this company on several occasions about the data leak and its consequences. But the president of the firm turned out to be too greedy, completely ignoring our proposal for a peaceful resolution of this situation.We have 50+GB of data leaked from network. -Users Data -Business data-Employee data-Financial data -other data, which is not specified yet and were taken from different shares and personal foldersbranhaven.com has 48 hours to contact us. |
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2024-09-30 |
decalesp.com |
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2024-09-26 |
lolaliza.com - 250kk |
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2024-09-24 |
Menninger Clinic |
Despite repeated attempts to contact menningerclinic.org we were ignored. The negligence of the management of this organization surprised us. This leaves us with no choice but to start publishing data. Menningerclinic.org has 72 hours to contact us and resolve the situation without exposing their employees to the problems they will face. |
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2024-09-23 |
cottlesinc.com |
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2024-09-13 |
FD Lawrence Electric |
The F.D. Lawrence Electric Company is committed to reducing the energy usage and power consumption of our customers whether residential, commercial |
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2024-09-13 |
Hostetler Buildings |
Hostetler Buildings has grown a lot since we started in 1966. And we continue to grow. But there’s several things that have never changed. The root of our success has always been commitment to people and quality. Our focus is people-driven. And our purpose is consistent: To inspire others to grow and build with purpose, and to build value-added solutions.30Gb info Public-Users Data -Business data -Employee data -Financial data |
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2024-09-11 |
Charles Darwin School |
Charles Darwin School is the only secondary school in the Biggin Hill area of the London Borough of Bromley, England. The school consists of 1,320 secondary and sixth form students. Currently the head teacher is Mr Aston Smith. We have 200+GB of data leaked from network. -Users Data -Business data -Employee data -Student data-Financial data The data will be released in 24 hours. |
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2024-09-10 |
Kadokawa Co Jp |
http://ng2gzceugc2df6hp6s7wtg7hpupw37vqkvamaydhagv2qbrswdqlq6ad.onion/dwango/ |
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2024-09-04 |
Parrish |
For 45 years, Parrish & Company has served Texas as a leading distributor of fine home products: appliances, cabinetry, fireplaces, garage doors-Users Data -Business data -Employee data -Production data -Financial data -other data, which is not specified yet and were taken from different shares and personal foldersAll of this data will be released within 72 hours. |
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2024-09-04 |
OSDA Contract Services |
OSDA's capability for rapid prototyping and new product introduction is one of our core competencies. OSDA has been providing this service for over 28 years, so you can depend on this experience to get your product to market in the shortest time possible.We draw from our large inventory of parts and use the most efficient processes in the industry to provide quick one, two or three day turn-around to expedite your product to market. |
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2024-08-31 |
Southwest Traders |
Website southwesttraders.com
Phone Number (951) 699-7800
Revenue $361.5 Million
President Terry Walsh
President, Finance Keegan Smith
07/07/2024 03:25 AM <DIR> #### 2023 Audit Documents
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> #### 2024 IFS AUDIT DOCUMENTS BR 15
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Credits -Sev's
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> SBUX AUDIT
07/07/2024 02:12 AM <DIR> #### 25 AIB 2024
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> #### Fresno's IFS Audit 2024
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Starbucks SOP's Sign off
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Accident-Injury Driver Behavior Forms
07/07/2024 02:17 AM <DIR> Acctpub
07/07/2024 02:13 AM <DIR> Controller
07/07/2024 02:17 AM <DIR> Executive
07/07/2024 02:17 AM <DIR> American Express
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Chase Contract Request
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Customer Contracts for Ken
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Exchange agreement
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Contracts
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> ExecutiveTeam
07/07/2024 02:52 AM <DIR> ExecVault
07/07/2024 02:52 AM <DIR> Financials
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> HomeShares
07/07/2024 02:54 AM <DIR> HRPub
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> 17 Risk BSC Info
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> 17 Risk Forms
07/07/2024 02:54 AM <DIR> 17 Risk Reports and Tracking
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> 17 Risk Training
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Business Continuity - Diaster Recovery
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Finance
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> HR Audits
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> HR Forms
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> HR Manual
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> HR Meetings
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> HR Monthly Goals & Controls
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> HR SOPs
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> HR Training
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> ISPUB
07/07/2024 03:01 AM <DIR> manpub
07/07/2024 03:08 AM <DIR> Budget Working 2022
07/07/2024 03:02 AM <DIR> Budget Working 2023
07/07/2024 03:02 AM <DIR> Budget Working 2024
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Business Continunity Plan
07/07/2024 03:07 AM <DIR> COVID-19
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Customer Confidentiality
07/07/2024 03:04 AM <DIR> Customer Contracts
07/07/2024 03:06 AM <DIR> Customer Pro Formas
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Customer Service Reports
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Customer Touch Plan
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Marketing
07/07/2024 01:30 AM <DIR> oppspub
07/07/2024 01:52 AM <DIR> PayrollPub
07/07/2024 03:09 AM <DIR> purchpub
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Salespub
07/07/2024 03:30 AM <DIR> SWTpublic
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> SWT_SOP
07/07/2024 02:13 AM <DIR> COVID-19 Forms & Policies
07/07/2024 02:12 AM <DIR> Inventory Control SOP
07/07/2024 02:12 AM <DIR> IT SOP
07/07/2024 02:12 AM <DIR> Omnitracs
07/07/2024 02:12 AM <DIR> Operations SOP
07/07/2024 02:13 AM <DIR> Purchasing SOP
07/07/2024 02:13 AM <DIR> Risk Management
07/07/2024 02:13 AM <DIR> Safety SOP
07/07/2024 12:58 AM <DIR> Starbucks SOP
07/07/2024 02:13 AM <DIR> System SOP
07/07/2024 02:12 AM <DIR> Transportation SOP
07/07/2024 02:12 AM <DIR> Warehouse SOP
Total Files Listed:
147484 File(s) 133,563,639,194 bytes
232626 Dir(s) 10,804,182,564,864 bytes free
signed NDA
Tutti Frutti NDA 10.23.23
Southwest Traders DMA NDA 09.20.22
Philz NDA 08.2018
Download link >> |
Screen |
2024-08-31 |
Nevada Heart Vascular Center |
Website nevadaheart.com
Phone Number (702) 227-3422
Revenue $16.9 Million
07/16/2024 10:09 AM <DIR> AAA LAW MEETING
07/16/2024 10:04 AM <DIR> AAA-NHV - MMX PROJECT PLAN TASKs
07/16/2024 10:04 AM <DIR> Accounts Payable
07/16/2024 10:29 AM <DIR> Administration - Compliance
07/16/2024 10:12 AM <DIR> Administration - Larren Wallace
07/16/2024 11:17 AM <DIR> Administration - Orientation Material
07/16/2024 10:31 AM <DIR> Administration - Radiology Cancellation Logs
07/16/2024 10:22 AM <DIR> Administration - Safety Manual Resources
07/16/2024 10:04 AM <DIR> Anticoag
07/16/2024 10:06 AM <DIR> AZ Rhythm - Data Room
07/16/2024 10:31 AM <DIR> BILLING - A CODES DENIAL
07/16/2024 10:45 AM <DIR> BILLING - ADMIN
07/16/2024 10:45 AM <DIR> BILLING - DAILY LOGS
07/16/2024 10:22 AM <DIR> CALL CENTER TEAM
07/16/2024 10:45 AM <DIR> CHARGE ENTRY BATCHES
07/16/2024 10:30 AM <DIR> CLAIMS DAILY PROCESS
07/16/2024 10:22 AM <DIR> Clinical Scheduling
07/16/2024 10:13 AM <DIR> Coding Dept
07/16/2024 10:11 AM <DIR> COMMITTEE - Verifications
07/16/2024 10:30 AM <DIR> COMPLIANCE
07/16/2024 10:31 AM <DIR> Contracts
07/16/2024 10:09 AM <DIR> CREDIT BALANCE TEAM
07/16/2024 10:23 AM <DIR> Data & Analytics
07/16/2024 11:17 AM <DIR> ELKO MEDICAL RECORDS
07/16/2024 10:13 AM <DIR> EO Invoices
Total Files Listed:
23886 File(s) 41,305,355,729 bytes
6713 Dir(s) 10,804,219,285,504 bytes free
Download link >> |
Screen |
2024-08-31 |
MorningStar Senior Living |
Website morningstarseniorliving.com
Phone Number (515) 400-2957
Revenue $52.7 Million
Company size 1,001-5,000 employees
Ken Jaeger Chief Executive Officer
Y:\13.effortlessoffice.com\morningstar1\All Shares\Company
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> All Company
07/16/2024 08:59 AM <DIR> HR Team
07/16/2024 09:07 AM <DIR> Management
07/16/2024 09:09 AM <DIR> MonthEnd
07/16/2024 09:09 AM <DIR> People Ops
07/16/2024 09:10 AM <DIR> Project Finance
07/16/2024 09:09 AM <DIR> Properties
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> Tax Returns
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> Bereavement Support
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> Briggs Clinical Manual
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> Business Office Manager
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> Concierge
07/16/2024 09:10 AM <DIR> Desk Phone Tutorials
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> Emergency Ops Plan & Crisis Management
07/16/2024 09:10 AM <DIR> Essential Policies and Procedures
07/16/2024 09:10 AM <DIR> Finance
07/16/2024 09:10 AM <DIR> Foundation
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> Human Resources
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> Information Technology
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> KQI-Key Quality Indicator Reports
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> Life Enrichment
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> Maintenance
07/16/2024 09:10 AM <DIR> Marketing Branding
07/16/2024 09:10 AM <DIR> Point Click Care Training
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> Sales. Community Relations
07/16/2024 09:11 AM <DIR> State Specific Regulation
07/16/2024 08:57 AM <DIR> Business Ops
07/16/2024 08:57 AM <DIR> Compensation
07/16/2024 08:58 AM <DIR> Contracts
07/16/2024 08:56 AM <DIR> Forms, Policies
07/16/2024 08:54 AM <DIR> HR KPI
07/16/2024 08:57 AM <DIR> HR topics
07/16/2024 08:56 AM <DIR> HRIS & PR
07/16/2024 08:56 AM <DIR> Invoices, starting 6.2023
07/16/2024 08:58 AM <DIR> Payroll
07/16/2024 08:58 AM <DIR> Performance Mgmt, Annual Reviews
07/16/2024 08:59 AM <DIR> Recruiting, Onboarding
07/16/2024 08:59 AM <DIR> Tuition Reimbursement
07/16/2024 08:58 AM <DIR> UKG Implementation
Total Files Listed:
53293 File(s) 36,556,345,218 bytes
17285 Dir(s) 10,804,221,820,928 bytes free
NDA, MStar +
Download link >> |
Screen |
2024-08-31 |
Goodless Dermatology |
Website goodlessdermatology.com
Phone Number (407) 566-1616
Revenue $5.3 Million
07/16/2024 08:48 AM <DIR> .User Documents
07/16/2024 08:52 AM <DIR> Administration
07/16/2024 08:30 AM <DIR> Back Office Admin
07/16/2024 08:54 AM <DIR> Billing
07/16/2024 08:47 AM <DIR> Billing_Front Desk Reports
07/16/2024 08:30 AM <DIR> Biologic
07/16/2024 08:56 AM <DIR> Derma Contacts_Docs
07/16/2024 08:47 AM <DIR> Firmware
07/16/2024 08:52 AM <DIR> MA Documents
07/16/2024 08:33 AM <DIR> NeweMedware32
07/16/2024 08:47 AM <DIR> PCArchiver
07/16/2024 08:31 AM <DIR> PCP Referrals_Maddy
07/16/2024 08:48 AM <DIR> Scans
07/16/2024 08:30 AM <DIR> System Volume Information
Total Files Listed:
36049 File(s) 75,423,820,072 bytes
6497 Dir(s) 10,804,227,952,640 bytes free
Download link >> |
Screen |
2024-08-31 |
Effortless Office |
Website effortlessoffice.com
Industry IT Services and IT Consulting
Phone Number (702) 405-4700
Company size 51-200 employees
Revenue $11.5 Million
An attack on effortlessoffice revealed that they serve over 90 companies. We've gained access to over 30 companies.
The first people to get hurt.
effortlessoffice - this is how they estimated the value of their clients' data.
Full trust effortlessoffice
72 esxi servers and 5 thousand virtual machines belonging to these domains are encrypted.
Work on other targets is still in progress. A report will be attached at the end of the attack.
There will be a lot of interesting information.
In the meantime, study this:
They helped hack into your systems:
Benjamin Gayheart - CEO/Founder at Effortless
Fred Cooper - UCSB, CX Recipient & Board Member. Director.
Tony Crenshaw Sr.
Leif Cederblom
Ascent Solutions developed software EO Central, and Effortless Office services fullfilled by them too.
Significally main network administrator is acolorado@ascentsolutions.com
Belongins to Ascent Solutions.
asc1tfs1.ascentsolutions.com dns:
Ascent Solutions positioning their self as Security Company with its own certifications and high quality services in sphere.
We bealive its not so truth as a situation show us.
Companies that have a connection to effortlessoffice.com and meetascent.com,
We want this post to resonate.And also make many companies think twice about whether they should partner with effortlessoffice.com and meetascent.com and trust them with control over their data. To be continued... |
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2024-08-29 |
Clatronic International GmbH |
The owner-managed family business Clatronic International GmbH has been in existence since 1982 as an importer of small electrical appliances.Clatronic offers customers an extensive and innovative product range of over 300 articles.From its 100,000 sqm logistics center in Kempen on the Lower Rhine, Clatronic supplies all leading national and international trading companies in over 60 countries.Since Clatronic management preferred to ignore our warning about personal data and chose money, not people, here you can see a three-archive data set. Hope you will be satisfied. |
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2024-08-29 |
Hollywood Burbank Airport |
Hollywood Burbank Airport (BUR) is owned and operated by the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority, a joint powers agency created in 1977Despite all attempts to contact the management of this company - we saw stunning ignorance. Now all data is public. |
Screen |
2024-08-29 |
malonetoyota.com |
Company size 200 Employees
Revenue $17.7 Million
Industry Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
Phone Number (801) 553-5800
Headquarters 11453 S Lone Peak Pkwy, Draper, Utah, 84020, United States
Who is Karl Malone Toyota
Discover brand-new Toyota models, quality pre-owned vehicles, noteworthy service and excellent auto finance options in Draper, UT, at Karl Malone
Y:\malonetoyota.com data - 132gb
08/07/2024 06:24 AM <DIR> Acct
08/07/2024 06:11 AM <DIR> CH
08/07/2024 06:12 AM <DIR> Eldorado
08/07/2024 06:13 AM <DIR> felix
08/07/2024 06:50 AM <DIR> FORKY
08/07/2024 06:50 AM <DIR> Glenwood
08/07/2024 06:50 AM <DIR> GM Reports
08/07/2024 06:50 AM <DIR> Heber
08/07/2024 06:50 AM <DIR> JTCH
08/07/2024 06:51 AM <DIR> KMD
08/07/2024 06:51 AM <DIR> kmpsvc
08/07/2024 06:51 AM <DIR> KMRCashier
08/07/2024 06:51 AM <DIR> KrystaMac
08/08/2024 04:36 AM <DIR> Malone Properties DATA
08/07/2024 06:51 AM <DIR> MJDocs
08/07/2024 06:52 AM <DIR> Parts
08/07/2024 06:52 AM <DIR> Payroll (secure)
08/07/2024 06:52 AM <DIR> Power Docs
08/08/2024 04:23 AM <DIR> Quickbooks
08/07/2024 06:52 AM <DIR> Ruston
08/07/2024 06:52 AM <DIR> Sales
08/07/2024 06:52 AM <DIR> Vickie
Total Files Listed:
99342 File(s) 132,587,328,106 bytes
29951 Dir(s) 10,007,517,077,504 bytes free
Malonetoyota customers are very wealthy and are perfect for various schemes for scams
Download link >> |
Screen |
2024-08-27 |
Academy of Model Aeronautics |
Founded in 1936, the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) ---After many attempts to contact the management, they decided to ignore us. Now every employee's data, income, and contracts with non-disclosure clauses will be made freely available to the public.---Amanet has exactly 72 hours to contact us. |
Screen |
2024-08-26 |
widex.com |
Screen |
2024-08-24 |
nwcsb.com |
286 Employees
$9.2 Million
The Northwestern Community Services Board is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits
lock win + esxi
4 - serv
16 - work
data - 34gb
Business 158 Front Royal Pike Ste 303, Winchester, Virginia
Revenue $9.3 Million
Phone Number: (540) 545-4147
Acker Denise M. CYFS Coordinator Administration (540) 305-9151
Brown Kyle Accounts Payable Technician (540) 550-8694
Dysart Ricky Maintenance Supervisor (540) 671-3876
Elwell Michael "Mike" Chief Executive Officer (540) 247-4622
Gleason Mark Chief Operational Officer (540) 244-5379
Haden Nancy G. Adult SA Outpatient Supervisor (540) 247-5773
Hensley Jennifer HR/Admin Assistant 771-9622
Hough Gary S. Information Systems Technician (540) 244-4507
Johnson Danielle Reimbursement Tech (540) 683-9817
Nash Sharon Quality Assurance Tech (540) 671-5583
Quinney Timothy A. Information Systems Specialist (540) 244-4582
Shanholtz Jayne HR Manager (540) 683-1791
Wheeler Nicolette "Nickie" Chief Clinical Program Manager (540) 244-4513
Winston David Information Systems Manager 244-4505
08/09/2024 04:19 PM <DIR> Agency Forms
08/09/2024 04:04 PM <DIR> FAPT Information
08/09/2024 04:02 PM <DIR> Historical
08/09/2024 04:22 PM <DIR> Implementation
08/09/2024 04:08 PM <DIR> PACT
08/09/2024 04:23 PM <DIR> Payroll
08/09/2024 04:07 PM <DIR> PSH
08/09/2024 04:02 PM <DIR> Site Timesheets
08/09/2024 04:14 PM <DIR> Statements
08/09/2024 04:02 PM <DIR> users
Total Files Listed:
36045 File(s) 36,325,061,054 bytes
9110 Dir(s) 9,784,036,315,136 bytes free
Download link >> |
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2024-08-20 |
axiavg.com - $250,000 |
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2024-08-19 |
Bandier |
Bandier is a company that operates in the Business Services industry. It employs 50to99 people and has 1Mto5M of revenue.Data will be released in the next 48 hours.-Business data (contracts, contacts, planning, presentations, etc) -Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc) -Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc) |
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2024-08-16 |
Takeshi NatsunoWe are waiting for your corporate network to be fully restored. Be prepared... |
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2024-08-13 |
Forrec |
Forrec un'azienda italiana leader nella produzione di trituratori, macinatori e granulatori per il trattamento dei rifiuti. -----Unfortunately, the management of Forrec does not care about the data of its employees and partners. We have repeatedly tried to contact this company. |
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2024-08-03 |
aikenhousing.org |
Phone Number (803) 649-6673
Revenue $5 Million
Chief Financial Officer | Sharon S. Emel | 803-617-7979 | semel@aikenhousing.org
Chanosha Lawton | 803-617-7978 | clawton@aikenhousing.org
Deputy Director | Chanosha Lawton | 803-617-7978 |
Property Manager | Nikia Carter | 803-617-7980 |
Maintenance Supervisor | Jeffery Walker | 803-349-7077 |
VACANT (803)335-3895 |
Directory of Y:\5.aikenhousing.org\data
06/23/2024 12:15 PM <DIR> Accounting Miscellaneous Info
06/23/2024 12:27 PM <DIR> Aiken Housing Authority & CDIC -General Information
06/23/2024 10:05 AM <DIR> ANNUAL PLAN _ CITY OF AIKEN
06/23/2024 10:55 AM <DIR> Atlantic Beach Housing Authority
06/23/2024 10:09 AM <DIR> Bank Statements Audit 2017-2018
06/23/2024 10:38 AM <DIR> Bill Payment
06/23/2024 10:53 AM <DIR> Business Loans
06/23/2024 01:44 PM <DIR> Cap Funds
06/23/2024 10:05 AM <DIR> Capacity Building Grant Application
06/23/2024 09:42 AM <DIR> CDIC Business & Economic Development
06/23/2024 09:37 AM <DIR> CDIC Financial Center
06/23/2024 09:37 AM <DIR> CDIC Insurance
06/23/2024 10:22 AM <DIR> CDIC Property Management
06/23/2024 10:03 AM <DIR> CDIC- CompuTax Tax Preparation
06/23/2024 10:05 AM <DIR> CDIC- Establishment Documents
06/23/2024 10:34 AM <DIR> Confidential
06/23/2024 10:10 AM <DIR> Contracts
06/23/2024 10:46 AM <DIR> Department_Accounting
06/23/2024 09:30 AM <DIR> Department_AmeriCorps Vista Program
06/23/2024 11:58 AM <DIR> Department_Maintenance
06/23/2024 10:01 AM <DIR> Department_Public Housing
06/23/2024 12:25 PM <DIR> Department_Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher
06/23/2024 10:34 AM <DIR> Department_Workforce Investment Act
06/23/2024 10:46 AM <DIR> Employee Accounting Data
06/23/2024 09:36 AM <DIR> Forms_HUD Minority Business Enterprise
06/23/2024 10:02 AM <DIR> GEAR and Debt Set-Off
06/23/2024 12:05 PM <DIR> Grant Opportunities
06/23/2024 12:05 PM <DIR> HUD - Travel & Credit Card Expenses
06/23/2024 09:42 AM <DIR> Income Limits_Fair Market Rents and Payment Standards
06/23/2024 10:53 AM <DIR> Maintenance Outstanding Work Orders
06/23/2024 10:34 AM <DIR> Marketing & Community Outreach
06/23/2024 10:12 AM <DIR> Marketing & Recruitment
06/23/2024 09:44 AM <DIR> Payroll Data
06/23/2024 10:06 AM <DIR> Property Management
06/23/2024 11:58 AM <DIR> Public Housing
06/23/2024 12:13 PM <DIR> Social Outreach
06/23/2024 10:08 AM <DIR> Software
06/23/2024 10:42 AM <DIR> Tax Exemption
06/23/2024 09:45 AM <DIR> Tax Requests
06/23/2024 12:22 PM <DIR> Utilities
06/23/2024 12:06 PM <DIR> WIA Grant and Procedures Information
36015 File(s) 30,455,095,272 bytes
21590 Dir(s) 12,503,638,327,296 bytes free
Download link >> |
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2024-08-03 |
Bettis Asphalt |
Bettis Asphalt & Construction, Inc. was formed in 1979 as a family-owned hot mix asphalt paving and maintenance operation. |
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2024-08-01 |
acsi.org |
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2024-07-30 |
www.chsd117.org |
Community High School District 117, being a community of learners with a vision of excellence, is committed to providing an educational experience that encourages all learners to develop to their fullest potential, to engage in lifelong learning, and to be responsible members of society. |
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2024-07-27 |
hanoverhill.com |
Website http://www.hanoverhill.com
Phone Number +1 (603) 627-3826
Address 700 Hanover Street, Manchester, NH 03104
Industry Health care
Specialties Elderly care
Company size 78 Employees
Revenue $8 Million
President Theodore Lee
Theodore Lee - President - (603) 714-5971
Allison Lee - Administrator - (603) 714-5206
Lori McIntire - Administrator - (603) 321-8851
Rob Lopez - Rehab Director - (603) 706-2189
Jennifer Lasman - Director Of Admissions - (603) 321-0787
Holly Lansdale - Customer Relations - (603) 724-0526
Heather Foster - Director, Nursing Services - (603) 703-4647
Masooma Athar - Medical Director - (603) 663-7030
Ashley Morshead - Environmental Supervisor - (603) 785-8801
Scott Thrasher - Maintenance - 716-720-2794
Company, Private, Users, Communications, SHARED, BUDGET, Confidentiality Agreements, Residents, Medicare, Medicaid etc
Total Files Listed:
173665 File(s) 129,727,370,645 bytes |
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2024-07-24 |
Pojoaque |
Despite repeated warnings, Pojoaque management has decided to ignore us, showing that they do not care about the data of their employees and partners. They have been repeatedly warned of the consequences of publishing the data. Remember, these are the people who don't care about anything but their own wallets.What kind of data we have taken from yours:-Business data (contracts, contacts, planning, presentations, etc)-Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc)-Factories data (projects, reports, audits, etc)-Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc)-Construction data (blueprints, planning, construction details, etc)-A huge number of copies of contracts.-other data, which is not specified yet and were taken from different shares and personal folders--------------------------Pojoaque has 24 hours to contact us |
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2024-07-24 |
RhinoCorps |
Despite warnings, Rhinocorps management did not see fit to take care of its partners and employees. Without even looking into it, Rhinocorps said they don't care about the future of the data, so all projects, contracts with non-disclosure clauses, and personal data will be made public within 48 hours.What kind of data we have taken from yours: -Business data (contracts, contacts, planning, presentations, etc) -Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc) -Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc) -A huge number of copies of contracts.-other data, which is not specified yet and were taken from different shares and personal folders---------------------------------RhinoCorps is an advanced small business that has worked primarily with the Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Energy (DOE) and other government agencies since its inception. RhinoCorps was founded as a limited liability company in 1998, initially supporting White Sands Missile Range and Sandia National Labs. RhinoCorps is headquartered in the heart of Magic Land, along the Rio Grande Valley in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Other RhinoCorps offices include Huntsville, Alabama. Our government customers include the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Army and the U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), other national laboratories within the nuclear weapons complex, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the Missile Defense Agency (MDA). Major support areas identified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) include 541330, Engineering Services; 541710, Physical Sciences R&D; 541511, Computer Programming Services for Customers; 541513, Computer Facilities Management Services; and 541519, Other Computer Related Services. |
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2024-07-20 |
Reward Hospitality from EFC Group |
Reward Hospitality is Asia Pacific's largest supplier to the hospitality and care industries. With 26 locations Australia-wide, we supply the latest tabletop, buffet, serving ware, glassware, takeaway & packaging, kitchenware, equipment & washroom products.Leaked data (~385 GB):Finance ( budget, balance, analysis, annual reports, audit, banking, treasury, management reports, financial accountant,month reporting, taxation )HR (employees id, tfn, address, dob, cost center, payroll, benefits, safety & compliance, contracts & agreements, legal & compliance, scan ID )Customers ( contacts, personal data, contracts, nda, shipping forms, correspondence and other)Working documentation (accident reports, purchasing, marketing, legal, projects, dispatch, sales , customer service, commercial division, logistics, orders)SQL, EMAIL |
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2024-07-14 |
a-g.com - data publication 38gb (150K) |
Website https://www.a-g.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/allen-and-gerritsen
Phone Number (857) 300-2000 (215) 667-8719
Address 125 High Street, Boston, MA, 02110, United States; 111 South Independence, Mall East, Philadelphia, PA, 19106
Industry Advertising & Marketing, Business Services
Company size Total Employees 137 people
Revenue $25 Million
Allen Paul, Chairman A&G - 978-443-7323
Andrew Graff, Chief Executive Officer - 978-535-7764
Olivieri Kevin , Chief Technology Officer - 617-698-7662
Jen Gordon, Vice President, Agency Marketing - 215-806-3081
Monica Lorusso, Executive VP, Strategy - 215-327-5382
Mike Raetsch, Managing Director - 610-240-9001
Communications Specialist: O'Leary Brenna - 617-965-9508
Internal Audit Manager: Haywood Andy - 781-862-5033
PJA Advertising + Marketing: DaSilva Aaron - 617-696-2570
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> Allen & Gerritsen
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> Clients
06/09/2024 01:51 PM <DIR> Departments
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> Egnyte Reports
06/09/2024 01:53 PM <DIR> Egnyte Templates
06/09/2024 01:53 PM <DIR> External FTP
06/09/2024 01:51 PM <DIR> Portfolio Catalog
06/09/2024 01:51 PM <DIR> Spot Archive
06/09/2024 01:53 PM <DIR> Tech Upload Test
06/09/2024 01:53 PM <DIR> z_Archived to Synology
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> AMERES Ameresco
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> AMRK Aramark
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> AVID AvidXchange
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BCBS Blue Cross Blue Shield
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BCH Bridges Consumer Healthcare
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BOGO Boston Globe
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BOMU Boston Mutual
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BSO Boston Symphony Orchestra
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CARON Caron Treatment Centers
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CCD Center City District
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CCF Cambridge Community Foundation (RiseUp)
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CHEMO Chemours
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CJP Combined Jewish Philanthropies
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CTX Citrix
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> DUNK Dunkin
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> FFR Freight Farms
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> FLY Flyers
06/06/2024 01:13 PM 7,786,882 vendor 19k.csv
06/06/2024 01:13 PM 8,040,850 vendor taxID 20k.csv
06/06/2024 01:13 PM 5,755,835 vendor+taxID 7300.csv
You have 4 days to contact us; otherwise the data will be released.
You have 4 days to contact us; otherwise the data will be released. |
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2024-07-13 |
gbhs.org Publication 51gb |
Headquarters,300 Snow Dr, Birmingham, Alabama, 35209,
Revenue $5 Million
Phone Number (205) 942-1211
ACC Conference Room 205-634-4129 101
ACC Dispatch 205-779-5384 106
Amanda Price 205-660-1557 103 Office & Billing
Dave Schamu 205-397-8530 230 Volunteers
DeAnne Wheeler 205-898-7922 220 Clinical Services Director
Elisia Tillis 205-397-8544 244 Transport
Front Desk 205-397-8529 212
Gynger Jarboe 205-671-1577 104 Field Services Supervisor
Intake Snow 205-397-8534 234
Ivana Sullivan 205-267-2435 400 Chief Program Officer
Lindsey Cross 205-221-6621 Shelter Mgr Jasper/Walker
Jessica Savage 205-898-7859 405 Retail & Events
Jordyn Ross 205-898-7812 301 Practice Manager
Katherine Lenn 205-397-8540 240 Chief Financial Officer
Kristin Pierson 205-671-7680 105 Dispatch, Intake & Billing
Maddison York-Curtis 205-397-8533 233 Snow Drive Manager
Kasey Rawlings 205-397-8538 238 Oureach & Education
Pat Russell 205-898-7592 404 Donor Relations
Patrick Burleson 205-898-7214 250 Facilities Manager
Receptionist . 205-397-8526 210
Snow Drive Clinic 205-397-8535 235
Stephanie Hennigan 205-397-8531 231 Accountant-Finance
Stephanie Pate 205-683-5841 225 Chief Of Staf
Directory of Y:\4.gbhs.org\VETclinic
06/21/2024 12:08 PM <DIR> Background Check
06/21/2024 04:15 PM <DIR> Bureau of Labor Statistics
06/21/2024 11:54 AM <DIR> Certifications and Licenses
06/21/2024 11:59 AM <DIR> Compensation Guides
06/21/2024 11:59 AM <DIR> Contact List_GBHS by Facility
06/21/2024 12:07 PM <DIR> Coronavirus Response
06/21/2024 11:54 AM <DIR> Department of Finance - Human Resources
06/21/2024 12:10 PM <DIR> Educational Expense Agreement
06/21/2024 12:02 PM <DIR> EE Payroll Updates
06/21/2024 12:08 PM <DIR> Employee Reviews
06/21/2024 12:10 PM <DIR> Independent Contractors
06/21/2024 12:01 PM <DIR> Insurance Plans
06/21/2024 12:01 PM <DIR> Investigations
06/21/2024 12:00 PM <DIR> Job Descriptions
06/21/2024 12:07 PM <DIR> Legal
06/21/2024 12:07 PM <DIR> New Hires
06/21/2024 12:08 PM <DIR> Occupational Taxes
06/21/2024 12:01 PM <DIR> Onboarding Paperwork
06/21/2024 11:54 AM <DIR> Pay Stubs
06/21/2024 12:08 PM <DIR> Payroll Action Form
06/21/2024 04:15 PM <DIR> Payroll Processing
06/21/2024 11:59 AM <DIR> Performance Management
06/21/2024 11:57 AM <DIR> Risk Management
06/21/2024 11:59 AM <DIR> RocketCityHR
06/21/2024 12:02 PM <DIR> SHL Assessment New Hires
06/21/2024 11:57 AM <DIR> Staff Professional Licenses & Certifications
06/21/2024 11:59 AM <DIR> Termination Paperwork
06/21/2024 12:08 PM <DIR> Verifications
06/21/2024 12:08 PM <DIR> Workers Comp
Directory of Y:\4.gbhs.org\VETclinic\Shares\Finance
06/21/2024 01:40 PM <DIR> ACC Scanned items
06/21/2024 01:39 PM <DIR> Accounts Receivable
06/21/2024 01:41 PM <DIR> ACH Remittance Reports
06/21/2024 01:39 PM <DIR> Aged Payable Reports
06/21/2024 11:54 AM <DIR> Auburn Invoices
06/21/2024 11:54 AM <DIR> Audit Docs
06/21/2024 11:54 AM <DIR> AvidX Checks Export
06/21/2024 01:39 PM <DIR> Business Licenses
06/21/2024 01:43 PM <DIR> Check Copies
06/21/2024 01:42 PM <DIR> Development
06/21/2024 02:01 PM <DIR> Estates
06/21/2024 01:39 PM <DIR> Expense forms
06/21/2024 01:48 PM <DIR> Finance Committee
06/21/2024 01:52 PM <DIR> Finance Spreadsheets - Adop, Intake and ACC
06/21/2024 01:43 PM <DIR> Financial reports
06/21/2024 01:44 PM <DIR> Fixed Assets
06/21/2024 01:43 PM <DIR> GL Entry Support
06/21/2024 02:00 PM <DIR> Grants
06/21/2024 11:54 AM <DIR> Insurance
06/21/2024 01:47 PM <DIR> Investment Statements
06/21/2024 01:43 PM <DIR> IT Assessments
06/21/2024 01:50 PM <DIR> Practice Act
06/21/2024 11:54 AM <DIR> Trust Statements
06/21/2024 02:35 PM <DIR> _Batch Posts, Deposit Scans
06/21/2024 02:12 PM <DIR> _Credit card receipts
06/21/2024 03:29 PM <DIR> _Invoices |
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2024-07-13 |
gbhs.org 07/12 Publication 51gb |
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2024-07-11 |
Image Microsystems |
Founded in 1992, Image Microsystems, Inc. is a reverse logistics and technology disposition leader dedicated to offering innovative recycling ----------------------Despite repeated attempts to contact Image Microsystems, the company's management has decided to ignore us. Remember, these people don't care about confidential contracts, partners' data, or the personal data of their employees. If Image Microsystems continues to ignore us, the data will be published within 72 hours.The data taken from Image Microsystems' network includes:Business data (contracts, contacts, planning, presentations, etc.)Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc.)Production data (formulas, analysis, development, etc.)Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc.)Construction data (blueprints, planning, construction details, etc.)Other data taken from shared and personal folders. |
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2024-07-10 |
City of Cedar Falls |
Unfortunately, the management of cedarfalls.com shows no commitment to ensuring the data security of its employees, customers, and partners. Cedarfalls has 72 hours to resolve this situation; otherwise, the data will be put up for public auction.What kind of data was taken from UPC network:-Business data (contracts, contacts, planning, presentations, etc)-Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc)-Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc)-multiple contracts, agreements, copies of employee documents-other data taken from shares and personal folders |
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2024-07-06 |
a-g.com 7/10/24 - data publication 38gb (150K) |
Website https://www.a-g.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/allen-and-gerritsen
Phone Number (857) 300-2000 (215) 667-8719
Address 125 High Street, Boston, MA, 02110, United States; 111 South Independence, Mall East, Philadelphia, PA, 19106, United States
Industry Advertising & Marketing, Business Services
Company size Total Employees 137 people
Revenue $25 Million
Allen Paul, Chairman A&G - 978-443-7323
Andrew Graff, Chief Executive Officer - 978-535-7764
Olivieri Kevin , Chief Technology Officer - 617-698-7662
Jen Gordon, Vice President, Agency Marketing - 215-806-3081
Monica Lorusso, Executive VP, Strategy - 215-327-5382
Mike Raetsch, Managing Director - 610-240-9001
Communications Specialist: O'Leary Brenna - 617-965-9508
Internal Audit Manager: Haywood Andy - 781-862-5033
PJA Advertising + Marketing: DaSilva Aaron - 617-696-2570
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> Allen & Gerritsen
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> Clients
06/09/2024 01:51 PM <DIR> Departments
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> Egnyte Reports
06/09/2024 01:53 PM <DIR> Egnyte Templates
06/09/2024 01:53 PM <DIR> External FTP
06/09/2024 01:51 PM <DIR> Portfolio Catalog
06/09/2024 01:51 PM <DIR> Spot Archive
06/09/2024 01:53 PM <DIR> Tech Upload Test
06/09/2024 01:53 PM <DIR> z_Archived to Synology
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> AMERES Ameresco
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> AMRK Aramark
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> AVID AvidXchange
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BCBS Blue Cross Blue Shield
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BCH Bridges Consumer Healthcare
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BOGO Boston Globe
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BOMU Boston Mutual
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BSO Boston Symphony Orchestra
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CARON Caron Treatment Centers
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CCD Center City District
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CCF Cambridge Community Foundation (RiseUp)
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CHEMO Chemours
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CJP Combined Jewish Philanthropies
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CTX Citrix
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> DUNK Dunkin
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> FFR Freight Farms
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> FLY Flyers
06/06/2024 01:13 PM 7,786,882 vendor 19k.csv
06/06/2024 01:13 PM 8,040,850 vendor taxID 20k.csv
06/06/2024 01:13 PM 5,755,835 vendor+taxID 7300.csv
You have 4 days to contact us; otherwise the data will be released. |
Screen |
2024-07-06 |
a-g.com 7/12/24 - data publication 38gb (150K) |
Website https://www.a-g.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/allen-and-gerritsen
Phone Number (857) 300-2000 (215) 667-8719
Address 125 High Street, Boston, MA, 02110, United States; 111 South Independence, Mall East, Philadelphia, PA, 19106, United States
Industry Advertising & Marketing, Business Services
Company size Total Employees 137 people
Revenue $25 Million
Allen Paul, Chairman A&G - 978-443-7323
Andrew Graff, Chief Executive Officer - 978-535-7764
Olivieri Kevin , Chief Technology Officer - 617-698-7662
Jen Gordon, Vice President, Agency Marketing - 215-806-3081
Monica Lorusso, Executive VP, Strategy - 215-327-5382
Mike Raetsch, Managing Director - 610-240-9001
Communications Specialist: O'Leary Brenna - 617-965-9508
Internal Audit Manager: Haywood Andy - 781-862-5033
PJA Advertising + Marketing: DaSilva Aaron - 617-696-2570
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> Allen & Gerritsen
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> Clients
06/09/2024 01:51 PM <DIR> Departments
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> Egnyte Reports
06/09/2024 01:53 PM <DIR> Egnyte Templates
06/09/2024 01:53 PM <DIR> External FTP
06/09/2024 01:51 PM <DIR> Portfolio Catalog
06/09/2024 01:51 PM <DIR> Spot Archive
06/09/2024 01:53 PM <DIR> Tech Upload Test
06/09/2024 01:53 PM <DIR> z_Archived to Synology
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> AMERES Ameresco
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> AMRK Aramark
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> AVID AvidXchange
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BCBS Blue Cross Blue Shield
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BCH Bridges Consumer Healthcare
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BOGO Boston Globe
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BOMU Boston Mutual
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> BSO Boston Symphony Orchestra
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CARON Caron Treatment Centers
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CCD Center City District
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CCF Cambridge Community Foundation (RiseUp)
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CHEMO Chemours
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CJP Combined Jewish Philanthropies
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> CTX Citrix
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> DUNK Dunkin
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> FFR Freight Farms
06/09/2024 01:54 PM <DIR> FLY Flyers
06/06/2024 01:13 PM 7,786,882 vendor 19k.csv
06/06/2024 01:13 PM 8,040,850 vendor taxID 20k.csv
06/06/2024 01:13 PM 5,755,835 vendor+taxID 7300.csv
You have 4 days to contact us; otherwise the data will be released. |
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2024-07-05 |
National Health Laboratory Services |
The National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) is a large diagnostic pathology service in South AfricaWhat kind of data was taken from network:1.2Tb-Business data (contracts, contacts, planning, presentations, etc)-Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc)-Product data (analysis, etc)-Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc)-A lot of genetic tests as well as medical data.-other data taken from shares and personal folders----------------------------------------We would also like to point out that despite numerous attempts to contact the National Health Laboratory, they have done nothing but ignore us. However, they have repeatedly found time to provoke the media. Remember, it is the management of this company who do not care about their customers, partners, and subordinates—they will do anything for money.You have 72 hours to contact us; otherwise, the data will be published. |
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2024-06-27 |
KADOKAWA Corporation |
Our team gained access to the Kadokawa network almost a month ago. It took some time, because of the language, to figure out that Kadokawa subsidiaries' networks were connected to each other and to get through all the mess Kadokawa's IT department made there. We have discovered that Kadokawa networks architecture was not organised properly. It was different networks connected to the one big Kadokawas infrastructure being controlled through global control points, such as eSXI and V-sphere. Once we have gained access to the control center we have encrypted the whole network (Dwango, NicoNico, Kadokawa, other subsidiaries).The second part of our Team downloaded about TB1,5 of data from the networks.Quickscope of downloaded data:-contracts-DocuSigned papers-various legal papers-platform users related data (emails, data usage, links opened, etc)-employee related data (personal info, payments, contracts, emails, etc)-business planning (presentations, emails, offers, etc)-projects related data (coding, emails, payments, etc)-financial data (payments, transfers, planning, etc)-other internal-use-only papers and confidential dataOnce the network was encrypted we contacted Kadokawas management to make a deal with them regarding data protection and network decryption.As everyone can see the company is suffering right now and its business processes are being interrupted. Kadokawa and its subsidiaries' services were suspended and the approximate time of recovery was set to the end of July.It is good to see that Kadokawas management is updating public announcements regarding this situation almost every day. It is very good that Kadokawas management decided to tell the "truth" to calm down the public.But, it is not good that Kadokawa decided to hide some details. Maybe its own IT department decided not to tell all the truth to its own management, anyways, we can prove Kadokawa statements wrong.First of all, Kadokawas IT department detected our presence within the network 3 days before we had encrypted the network. Admins tried to kick us out from the network, one of our server IP"s was blocked, they have tried to change admin credentials, but we have managed to set undetectable access to the network. We have continued downloading even after Kadokawa admins detected us. They were unable to detect and stop outgoing traffic, because our downloading scripts kept working even after the server's IP was blocked. 1 day before encryption we have detected enormous Kadokawa admins activity trying to stop us unsuccessfully.We still have more details to share with the public if needed, but we prefer not to show all the aces we have prepared within the sleeve.Since we are people of business we are only interested in money. Kadokawa is trying to settle the deal, but the amount of money they have offered is extremely low for this company. This network incident will lead to full network architecture rework, that is why Kadokawas customers had to wait until the IT department reconfigures the whole network. The thing they didn't know is that Kadokawas IT department doesn't have enough experience in hacktivism to understand all the weak spots within its own network, which will lead to another cyber incident in the future. And the other thing is that in case if leaked data go public Kadokawa would have to change not just its network infrastructure, but the whole way they are doing business, because a lot of confidential business related data would be disclosed also.We are offering our help to make Kadokawa's network better, based upon our life lasting experience, in addition to network decryption and deletion of leaked data.Long story short, we have gained access to very personal information regarding Japanese citizens. Those people would definitely like to keep the data related to their private life confidential, no one would like to see "things they are doing in the night" going public including their emails and browsing history.Kadokawas' management should understand one thing, is that everything will go public if we will not make a deal until the end of this week.Right now the confidential life details of many Japanese citizens depend upon Kadokawas' management decision.We dont think that Kadokawa's top management would like to spend the following few months bending in excuses. Such exercises do not fit them at all.It would be much easier to pay and keep moving forward for such a company as Kadokawa is.ALL DATA will be released on July 1st. |
Screen |
2024-06-25 |
peregrinegp.com (178gb + private SQL_DB 24gb) |
Website http://www.peregrinegp.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/peregrine-petroleum-llc
Phone Number Dallas Office 214.231.6800 Houston Office 214.231.6889
Address 2101 Cedar Springs Rd Ste 1800, Dallas, Texas
Industry Oil and Gas
Specialties Oil and Energy, Natural Gas, Energy Exploration, and Oil Fields
Company size Total Employees 85
Revenue $9.6 Million
President Michael Wisenbaker
Michael Wisenbaker - President 214-231-6820, mob:(512) 507-2930, mwisenbaker@peregrinegp.com
Jeremy Osborne - Director of Financial Planning 214-231-6860, mob:(214) 288-9264, josborne@peregrinegp.com
Graham Rumble - Chief Financial Officer 214-231-6841, mob:(214) 797-6345, grumble@peregrineinvestments.com
Reagan Jensen - Chief Investment Officer 214-231-6822, mob:(214) 755-1827, rjensen@peregrineinvestments.com
Mira Shadrina - Director of Finance 214-231-6850, mob:(646) 465-4491, mshadrina@peregrinegp.com
Rick Mullins - Director of Tax mob:(940) 231-0146, rmullins@peregrinegp.com
Christianne Herran - Director of Tax 214-231-6836, mob:(214) 669-0619, cherran@peregrinegp.com
David Brewer - hief Operating Officer 713-630-8980, mob:(214) 621-7964, dbrewer@peregrinepetroleum.com
Brooks Yates - Vice President A&D 214-231-6881, mob:(214) 535-8690, byates@peregrinepetroleum.com
Paul Prater - Chief Financial Officer 214-231-6861, mob:(817) 683-1008, pprater@peregrinegp.com
site mail: info@peregrinegp.com, info@peregrineinvestments.com, info@peregrinegp.com
Folders: Acquisitions, Administrative, Allocations, BUDGET,Budget-Planning, Confidentiality Agreements, Expense & Revenue Summary, Health Safety & Environmental, Land Administration,OPERATIONS, PEREGRINE SCOUT, Production Engineering , PROJECTS, Royalty.Revenue Checks
Folders: ACCOUNTING (Cash Flow Inception to Date,Budget Packages, Expense Report, G&A PROJECT,FUEL REPORTING,SCANS,TAX,Incentive... )
Folders: Accounting Records, Audits, Bank Statements, Brokerage Reconciliations, Brokerage Statements, Financial Statements, Flight Logs, Gain-Loss Schedules, Gain-Loss Schedules, Valuations, DK-SVE
Folders: Accruals, Gas Balancing, JWasson, MPickens, MRoss, OLD_MOVEDTO_REVENUE
Folders: Apparel Orders, Compensation, E-Verify, Educational Assistance Program, Employee files and Updates, Employee Handbook Project, I 9 - Employment Verification, Internships, New Hire Forms and Manuals Updates, Org Charts, Petroleum, PTO, Scanned HR Files, Welcome Announcements
01_Blank_Database, 2016PeregrineReseves, 2019_Economic_Review, Acquisitions, ACQ_Eastern_Shelf_2019, ACQ_Fairway_2019, ACQ_Petrohunt_2019,ACQ_Tall_Cotton_2019, AdventIdentityServices, APXController, APXController_Archive, APXFirm_Archive, APXFirm_Doc, APXFirm_Temp,Aries_Miscellaneous,ARIES_Research,ARIES_Reserves, ARIES_Reserves_AzureCopy,ARIES_Reserves_Old, Cody_Research, MDM, ReportServer, ReportServerTempDB
Total Files Listed:
158733 File(s) 216,742,566,072 bytes
37032 Dir(s) 16,818,413,805,568 bytes free
Similar Companies to Peregrine Petroleum:
https://www.linkedin.com/company/peregrine-energy-partners |
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2024-06-25 |
rbbschools.net |
Edgewood Schools is a company that operates in the Education industry. It employs 51-100 people and has $1M-$5M of revenue.Phone Number (812) 876-7100 |
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2024-06-25 |
axiavg.com |
AXIA Ventures Group Ltd (“AXIA”) is a leading regional privately-owned investment banking group providing financial advisory and capital market-related services to corporates, governments and institutional clients.AXIA is headquartered in Nicosia, Cyprus, regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (License No: 086/07) and fully licensed to provide financial advisory services in many financial markets around the world. AXIA is focused in Cyprus, Greece, Italy and the broader region. The company has presence in Nicosia (Headquarters), Athens (Branch), New York (subsidiary) and Milan (representative office).We aim to provide our clients with expert advice, innovative solutions and outstanding execution, by offering a highly effective and customized approach to each and every client. Our entrepreneurial ethos and close industry ties set us apart from other advisors in the region. Phone Number (212) 792-0253Revenue $16.4 Million |
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2024-06-25 |
catiglass.com |
Cat-i Glass Manufacturing has become a dominant supplier of precision machined glass products through emphasis on quality, pricing and delivery.The employees of Cat-i Glass combine education, experience and the desire to continually improve quality and processing. Our staff consists of engineers degreed in ceramics, chemistry, mechanical and industrial engineering, and many of our technicians have over 15 years of glass fabrication experience.Our continued growth is driven by our business philosophy, state of the art equipment, extensive glass inventory and employees dedicated to meeting or exceeding customer requirements.Our company will focus on your needs and give you our professional and knowledgeable assistance through every phase of designing, prototyping and implementation. Additionally, our engineers can provide our customers with cost saving suggestions during the product life cycle. At Cat-i Glass, we are capable of creating small prototype runs with a quick turnaround.Phone Number (847) 931-8986Revenue $37.8 Million |
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2024-06-25 |
doityoungs.com |
From plaster to paving, we've got it coveredFrom the screws needed to fit a shelf, right through to all the materials needed to plan a self-build, you’ll find everything you need at Youngs.$5.6 Million |
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2024-06-25 |
keeservices.com |
We at KEE Process have the international capability to provide effective wastewater treatment solutions with ‘In-house’ design, manufacture, install, commission and operate both domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants on a site specific basis.Our technologies include anaerobic digestion, aerobic processes including RBC and Submerged Aerated fixed film systems, extended aeration and SBR activated sludge processes, complemented with physical and physio-chemical processes. KEE also have a team of experienced process engineers and project engineers capable of delivering solutions to suit.Revenue $7.9 Million |
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2024-06-25 |
theeyeclinicsurgicenter.com |
The Eye Clinic Surgicenter provides treatments for clear lens exchange, corneal cross-linking, contact lenses, corneal, dry eye, glaucoma, implanted contact lens, LASIK, optical, low vision, and retinal. |
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2024-06-25 |
sanglier.org.uk |
Sanglier are world leading specialists in filler commercial packaging and distribution for adhesives, solvents, lubricants and paints.Revenue $5 Million |
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2024-06-25 |
arangobillboard.com |
Arango Billboard & Construction Co LLC is a company that operates in the Construction industry. It employs 21-50 people and has $5M-$10M of revenue. |
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2024-06-25 |
ibewlocal1.org |
Frank Jacobs, Business Manager
(314) 647-5900
Local Union: Principal Officer · Oversees day-to-day operations · Manages full-time staff · Works in cooperation with elected officers as prescribed by the IBEW’s governing documents · Member, IBEW/NECA Labor-Management Negotiating Committee for all multi-employer agreements · Approves and executes all local union specialty agreements · Trustee & Chairman, all local union multi-employer Taft-Hartley Trust Funds: Health & Welfare, Holiday, Income Security, Market Research, Pension, 401K, Vacation · Secretary, JATC · President, Local 1 Building Corporation. |
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2024-06-24 |
hiawathahomes.org |
Website http://www.hiawathahomes.org https://www.linkedin.com/company/hiawatha-homes
Phone Number 507-289-8683
Address 1820 Valkyrie Drive NW – Lower Level Rochester, MN 55901
Industry Individual and Family Services
Specialties Disability Services, Fundraising, Direct Support, Respite Care, Family Support Services, Supporting Individuals with Disabilities, and Person Centered Care
Company size Total Employees 281
Revenue $10.4 Million
Area of activity: Non-Profit & Charitable Organizations
Phone Number: (507) 289-7222
Phone Number: (507) 289-4444
Phone Number: (507) 289-8683
Scott Decker, Property Director - sdecker@hiawathahomes.org
Cassandra Emmons, Program Director – cemmons@hiawathahomes.org
CJ Walters, Human Resources Director – cwalters@hiawathahomes.org
House Coordinator - Margie Chesney - tel. (507) 289-6023, (507) 601-8851
House Nurse - Jessica Pietsch - tel. (507) 289-2722, (507) 601-8867
Program Director - Anastasia Toth - tel. (507) 226-0715, (507) 901-0504
Directory of D:\hiawathahomes.org
05/02/2024 08:57 AM <DIR> Finance (Banking,Contracts,Meta,Open Enrollment Documents,STANDARD Insurance...)
05/02/2024 09:16 AM <DIR> Foundation (Admin,Agency Comms,Community Conversations,Marketing...)
05/02/2024 08:57 AM <DIR> HR
05/02/2024 08:37 AM <DIR> Human Resources (Archive,Board of Directors,Contacts,HR Standard Operating Procedures...)
05/02/2024 08:53 AM <DIR> Management (2024 Strategic Planning,Advocacy,Advocate and Admissions Coordinator,Data Smart...)
05/02/2024 08:51 AM <DIR> Public (Administrative Assistant folder,Foundation,HCBS Documents,HHI Map and Directions,Human Resources...)
05/02/2024 08:16 AM <DIR> RedirectedFolders
05/02/2024 08:15 AM <DIR> SoftwareRepository
05/02/2024 08:15 AM <DIR> UserShares
Total Files Listed:
106336 File(s) 40,339,111,131 bytes
45789 Dir(s) 16,844,961,726,464 bytes free
Similar Companies to Hiawatha Homes
https://www.linkedin.com/company/dadsrobotics?trk=similar-pages |
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2024-06-24 |
Revolution Resources |
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2024-06-17 |
The Kansas City Kansas Police Department |
Kansas police said they will not pay a ransom after voluntarily agreeing to have their case files made public. Trust your police.Kansas City, Kansas was formally incorporated on October 22, 1872 and was comprised of five municipalities within Wyandotte County: "old" Kansas City, Armstrong, Armourdale, Riverview and Wyandotte. In the 1890s, the city saw an explosive growth in population as a streetcar suburb of the larger Kansas City - Kansas City, Missouri. That growth led to the establishment of the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department in 1898. With a staff of 46, it began serving all five municipalities. In 1997 voters unanimously approved to consolidate the governments of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kan. to form the Unified Government (UG) of Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kansas.Today the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department provides emergency services to approximately 125 square miles with over 340 sworn officers serving a population of approximately 155,000 citizens and 10 million visitors per year. As an accredited member of the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA®), the KCKPD meets established professional standards in law enforcement. Learn about the KCKPD's Accreditation with CALEA by clicking here.The department operates as part of the UG and directly reports to the County Administrator. All patrol officers, detectives and sergeants are represented by a police union, the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #4, for the purpose of collective bargaining. |
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2024-06-16 |
colfax.k12.wi.us |
Website http://www.colfax.k12.wi.us https://www.linkedin.com/company/school-district-of-colfax
Phone Number (715) 962-3155
Address 601 University Ave, Colfax, Wisconsin, 54730, United States
Industry Education Management
Company size Total Employees 51-100 people
Revenue $14.7 Million
Mr. William C. Yingst, Jr, Superintendent - 715-828-8482
John Dachel, Middle/High Principal - 715-619-0106
Trevor Hovde , Elementary Principal - 608-381-2788
Polly Rudi, SPED Director/ Pupil Services - 715-505-0339
Elementary School Principal: Trevor Hovde - hovde@colfax.k12.wi.us
Director of Pupil Services: Polly Rudi - pollyrudi@colfax.k12.wi.us
Network Administrator: Logan Mittelstadt - tech@colfax.k12.wi.us
04/25/2024 02:53 AM <DIR> Public
04/25/2024 02:18 AM <DIR> Staff
04/25/2024 02:18 AM <DIR> Students
04/25/2024 02:53 AM <DIR> 2023-24 YEARBOOK
04/25/2024 02:51 AM <DIR> 2nd Grade Animal Research Sites
04/25/2024 02:51 AM <DIR> 8th grade
04/25/2024 02:18 AM <DIR> AAA Yearbook Photos from Rich
04/25/2024 02:53 AM <DIR> Jaclyn, Hannah, Anna Folder for Project
04/25/2024 02:53 AM <DIR> Kitchen Laptop
04/25/2024 02:51 AM <DIR> Mrs. Kiekhafer
04/25/2024 02:51 AM <DIR> National Honor Society
04/25/2024 02:51 AM <DIR> TechEd
37,189 Files, 3,543 Folders
421 Files, 3,543 Folders
Total size:
47214 File(s) 66,418,468,789 bytes
13667 Dir(s) 17,622,302,588,928 bytes free |
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2024-06-15 |
(178gb + private SQL_DB 24gb) |
Website http://www.peregrinegp.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/peregrine-petroleum-llc
Phone Number Dallas Office 214.231.6800 Houston Office 214.231.6889
Address 2101 Cedar Springs Rd Ste 1800, Dallas, Texas
Industry Oil and Gas
Specialties Oil and Energy, Natural Gas, Energy Exploration, and Oil Fields
Company size Total Employees 85
Revenue $9.6 Million
President Michael Wisenbaker
Michael Wisenbaker - President 214-231-6820, mob:(512) 507-2930, mwisenbaker@peregrinegp.com
Jeremy Osborne - Director of Financial Planning 214-231-6860, mob:(214) 288-9264, josborne@peregrinegp.com
Graham Rumble - Chief Financial Officer 214-231-6841, mob:(214) 797-6345, grumble@peregrineinvestments.com
Reagan Jensen - Chief Investment Officer 214-231-6822, mob:(214) 755-1827, rjensen@peregrineinvestments.com
Mira Shadrina - Director of Finance 214-231-6850, mob:(646) 465-4491, mshadrina@peregrinegp.com
Rick Mullins - Director of Tax mob:(940) 231-0146, rmullins@peregrinegp.com
Christianne Herran - Director of Tax 214-231-6836, mob:(214) 669-0619, cherran@peregrinegp.com
David Brewer - hief Operating Officer 713-630-8980, mob:(214) 621-7964, dbrewer@peregrinepetroleum.com
Brooks Yates - Vice President A&D 214-231-6881, mob:(214) 535-8690, byates@peregrinepetroleum.com
Paul Prater - Chief Financial Officer 214-231-6861, mob:(817) 683-1008, pprater@peregrinegp.com
site mail: info@peregrinegp.com, info@peregrineinvestments.com, info@peregrinegp.com
Folders: Acquisitions, Administrative, Allocations, BUDGET,Budget-Planning, Confidentiality Agreements, Expense & Revenue Summary, Health Safety & Environmental, Land Administration,OPERATIONS, PEREGRINE SCOUT, Production Engineering , PROJECTS, Royalty.Revenue Checks
Folders: ACCOUNTING (Cash Flow Inception to Date,Budget Packages, Expense Report, G&A PROJECT,FUEL REPORTING,SCANS,TAX,Incentive... )
Folders: Accounting Records, Audits, Bank Statements, Brokerage Reconciliations, Brokerage Statements, Financial Statements, Flight Logs, Gain-Loss Schedules, Gain-Loss Schedules, Valuations, DK-SVE
Folders: Accruals, Gas Balancing, JWasson, MPickens, MRoss, OLD_MOVEDTO_REVENUE
Folders: Apparel Orders, Compensation, E-Verify, Educational Assistance Program, Employee files and Updates, Employee Handbook Project, I 9 - Employment Verification, Internships, New Hire Forms and Manuals Updates, Org Charts, Petroleum, PTO, Scanned HR Files, Welcome Announcements
01_Blank_Database, 2016PeregrineReseves, 2019_Economic_Review, Acquisitions, ACQ_Eastern_Shelf_2019, ACQ_Fairway_2019, ACQ_Petrohunt_2019,ACQ_Tall_Cotton_2019, AdventIdentityServices, APXController, APXController_Archive, APXFirm_Archive, APXFirm_Doc, APXFirm_Temp,Aries_Miscellaneous,ARIES_Research,ARIES_Reserves, ARIES_Reserves_AzureCopy,ARIES_Reserves_Old, Cody_Research, MDM, ReportServer, ReportServerTempDB
Total Files Listed:
158733 File(s) 216,742,566,072 bytes
37032 Dir(s) 16,818,413,805,568 bytes free
Similar Companies to Peregrine Petroleum:
https://www.linkedin.com/company/peregrine-energy-partners |
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2024-06-12 |
Eurotrol B.V. |
Eurotroll B.V is a Netherlands based specialist in custom-made quality control solutions for in vitro diagnostics with a U.S. based production wing. Eurotrol provides high specification, custom-made quality control materials (QC) for the periodic verification of the precision and accuracy of in vitro diagnostics (IVD) analyzers. Our products are produced by an integrated ISO-approved process, from research and development through production, in which only the highest quality materials are used.The network of Eurotroll B.v. has been encrypted with our tools. We also have managed to download about 600GB of data from this network.What kind of data leaked from this network:- bhv data- it data- projects- sales data- procurement- US wing data- employee data- personal data- quality control- quickbooks backups- product development- product engineering data- production process development- operations and supply chain data- other sensitive dataWe have contacted Eurotrolls' top management regarding data protection and network encryption. Management refused to pay fro decryption tool and offered $25000 for data protection. The sum being offered is not acceptable. |
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2024-06-11 |
Special Health Resources |
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2024-05-24 |
Ipsotek LTD |
Established in 2001, Ipsotek LTD is a pioneer in the field of A.I.V.A. (Artificial Intelligence Video Analytics) and Scenario-based Intelligent Video Analytics. Ipsotek LTD provides Face Recognition software, Perimeter Protection, Crowd Management, Operation Management and other Ai-powered security services. 2023 Ipsotek LTD became a part of Atos Group of Companies with a $12 Billion annual revenue. Long story short, thanks to good internet connection speed we have managed to download 995GB of data from Ipsotek's network to an encrypted offline server within 12 hours only. Alexander Slater's sloppiness made our life easier x10 times, thanks for the passwords and notes saved within his files. Data leaked from Ipsotek,Ltd contains and not limited with: - Ai data - Ai models - Clients data - Deep Face data - Financial data - Software Builds - Lots of coding data - Contracts and NDA's (including Atos related) - Product Development - Projects related data - Product Research and Development details - Files stored within Ipsotek's OneDrive - Eggington's (CFO) working documents for the last 4 years - Eggington's emails backups - AI surveillance software related data - Employees related data (contacts, home address, salaries, etc) - Shareholders related data - other sensitive information |
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2024-05-24 |
colfax.k12.wi.us - $150.000 |
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2024-05-24 |
Sichuan Dowell Science and Technology Company Inc |
Sichuan Dawei Technology Co., Ltd (Sichuan Dowell Science and Technology Company Inc.) was established in November 2003. Its main business is the research, development, production and sales of leather chemicals. The products cover four categories: clean tanning materials, leather functional additives, finishing materials and colorants. The small class, with a production capacity of more than 200 kinds of products, was listed on the GEM in 2016 and is a leading enterprise in the domestic leather industry. The network of Sichuan Dowell Science and Technology Company Inc. has been penetrated by our team. We have stayed within this network for over a week. The network has been encrypted as a result and over 20GB of data leaked from Dowell's network. Leaked data contains: -Blueprints -3D models -Welding info -Building projects info -Factory construction reports -Leather shredder machine development -etc |
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2024-05-24 |
$150.000 |
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2024-05-18 |
catiglass.com $100.000 |
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2024-05-17 |
Vision Mechanical |
Vision Mechanical is providing you with all you need in mechanical aspects including plumbing, piping, HVAC, fabrication, and service------Despite numerous warnings about responsibility in connection with data loss - the Director of Vision Mechanical turned out to be a completely inadequate person, he absolutely does not care about personal data of his employees and partners. It's all about the moneyWhat kind of data was taken from network: -Business data (contracts, contacts, etc) -Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc) -Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc) -other data taken from shares and personal folders |
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2024-05-17 |
For sale. Contact through admin. $100.000 |
Website http://www.frankmiller.com
Phone Number (765) 964-7705
Address 1690 Frank Miller Rd, Union City, Indiana, 47390, United States
Industry Architecture and Planning
Specialties quartersawn hardwoods, north american hardwoods, rift hardwoods, red oak, white oak, cherry, hard maple, hickory, walnut, specification of hardwoods in architectural projects, and AIA continuing education provider
Company size Total Employees 122
Revenue $32.2 Million
Chief Executive Officer Steve James
Steve James - 765-546-0277 (President and CEO) sjames@frankmiller.com
Josh Brennan - 765-748-8489 (Director of Distribution) jbrennan@frankmiller.com
Jo Ellen Johnston - 765-730-1411 (Chief Financial Officer) jjohnston@frankmiller.com
Jeff Naylor - 765.744.1413 (IT Operations Manager) jnaylor@frankmiller.com
Doris Ebeling - 765-546-9534 (Director of Human Resources) debeling@frankmiller.com
DATA: D:\frankmiller.com
04/19/2024 02:16 AM <DIR> Accounting_Files (Accounts Payable,Analysis,Audit,Production Results,Employee Loans,Payroll Accrual)
04/19/2024 01:33 AM <DIR> Budget Annual Budget,Monthly,PPT,Shareholders
04/19/2024 02:16 AM <DIR> Company (Chelsea,EPA.Historical Production Figures,Staff Safety Walks,,Union City Production Analysis)
04/19/2024 02:25 AM <DIR> FixedAssets
04/19/2024 01:33 AM <DIR> Home
04/19/2024 01:33 AM <DIR> innovative
04/19/2024 01:33 AM <DIR> jeff.naylor.FML
04/19/2024 01:49 AM <DIR> Journal
04/19/2024 02:25 AM <DIR> Maintenance
04/19/2024 02:25 AM <DIR> Production
04/19/2024 02:25 AM <DIR> Sales
04/19/2024 01:33 AM <DIR> Shareholder
04/19/2024 02:19 AM <DIR> shipping_files
04/19/2024 01:38 AM <DIR> USAWoods
05/10/2024 07:08 AM <DIR> Active Directory (AD)
Total Files Listed:
79299 File(s) 65,033,639,793 bytes
13259 Dir(s) 17,689,640,345,600 bytes free
Similar Companies to Frank Miller Lumber
http://temp.sh/SUwXT/listing_datainfo_sofware_PCAdfind.7z |
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2024-05-14 |
pierfoundry.com |
Pier FoundryPier Foundry and Pattern Shop is passionate about providing you with the highest level of service, support and value you expect from a gray iron and ductile iron casting manufacturer.We are an ISO certified supplier of superior quality gray iron, ductile iron and austempered ductile iron castings at a competitive price with one of the shortest lead times in the industry. We can produce model tooling and sample castings in as little as 2 weeks.We offer 134 years of manufacturing experience, a knowledgeable and friendly sales staff, and a full range of engineering support and technical services. We encourage our customers to engage us early in the design process and offer assistance in designing and building castings from concept to production. Let Pier Foundry become a one-stop store for all your molding needs.Building Materials - Minnesota, United States - 67 EmployeesWebsitewww.pierfoundry.comRevenue$22.9 Million----------------So, we would like to point out - the bosses of this company do not care about the disclosure of their employees' and partners' data. We have repeatedly contacted their superiors, but unfortunately, now the ordinary employees and partners of this individual will suffer. |
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2024-05-13 |
Jackson County |
Jackson County is one of 114 counties in Missouri. It includes most of Kansas City, Missouri, and 17 other cities and towns. The County population is about 654,000 people living within 607 square miles.--------------What kind of data was taken from network:-Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc) -Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc)-other data taken from shares and personal foldersClients and employees - REMEMBER, Jackson County management does not care about you or your personal information. |
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2024-05-13 |
For sale. Contact through admin. |
Website http://www.frankmiller.com
Phone Number (765) 964-7705
Address 1690 Frank Miller Rd, Union City, Indiana, 47390, United States
Industry Architecture and Planning
Specialties quartersawn hardwoods, north american hardwoods, rift hardwoods, red oak, white oak, cherry, hard maple, hickory, walnut, specification of hardwoods in architectural projects, and AIA continuing education provider
Company size Total Employees 122
Revenue $32.2 Million
Chief Executive Officer Steve James
Steve James - 765-546-0277 (President and CEO) sjames@frankmiller.com
Josh Brennan - 765-748-8489 (Director of Distribution) jbrennan@frankmiller.com
Jo Ellen Johnston - 765-730-1411 (Chief Financial Officer) jjohnston@frankmiller.com
Jeff Naylor - 765.744.1413 (IT Operations Manager) jnaylor@frankmiller.com
Doris Ebeling - 765-546-9534 (Director of Human Resources) debeling@frankmiller.com
DATA: D:\frankmiller.com
04/19/2024 02:16 AM <DIR> Accounting_Files (Accounts Payable,Analysis,Audit,Production Results,Employee Loans,Payroll Accrual)
04/19/2024 01:33 AM <DIR> Budget Annual Budget,Monthly,PPT,Shareholders
04/19/2024 02:16 AM <DIR> Company (Chelsea,EPA.Historical Production Figures,Staff Safety Walks,,Union City Production Analysis)
04/19/2024 02:25 AM <DIR> FixedAssets
04/19/2024 01:33 AM <DIR> Home
04/19/2024 01:33 AM <DIR> innovative
04/19/2024 01:33 AM <DIR> jeff.naylor.FML
04/19/2024 01:49 AM <DIR> Journal
04/19/2024 02:25 AM <DIR> Maintenance
04/19/2024 02:25 AM <DIR> Production
04/19/2024 02:25 AM <DIR> Sales
04/19/2024 01:33 AM <DIR> Shareholder
04/19/2024 02:19 AM <DIR> shipping_files
04/19/2024 01:38 AM <DIR> USAWoods
05/10/2024 07:08 AM <DIR> Active Directory (AD)
Total Files Listed:
79299 File(s) 65,033,639,793 bytes
13259 Dir(s) 17,689,640,345,600 bytes free
Similar Companies to Frank Miller Lumber
http://temp.sh/SUwXT/listing_datainfo_sofware_PCAdfind.7z |
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2024-05-13 |
Montgomery County Board of Developmental Disabilities Services |
The Montgomery County Board of Developmental Disabilities Services (MCBDDS) is the local government agency that coordinates services and funding for services for children and adults in Montgomery County who have a diagnosis of an intellectual or developmental disability. Established by state law in the 1960s, MCBDDS is one of 88 County Boards of Developmental Disabilities that operate in Ohio. It also offers a variety of direct services for individuals with developmental disabilites that are locally funded through the Montgomery County Human Services Levy, including:Behavior SupportEarly InterventionMental HealthRecreation and RespiteResidential Placement ServicesWhat kind of data was taken from network:-Business data (contracts, contacts, planning, presentations, etc)-Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc)-Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc)-other data taken from shares and personal foldersThe company decided it did not need their data.They voluntarily admitted to leaking their customers' and employees' data. |
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2024-05-09 |
Mewborn & DeSelms |
Since 1997, Mewborn & DeSelms, Attorneys at Law, has provided a broad range of legal services to businesses, families and individuals--------------What kind of data was taken from network:-Business data (contracts, contacts, planning, etc)-Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc) -Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc)-other data taken from shares and personal foldersBusiness partners, clients and employees - REMEMBER, Mewborn & DeSelms management does not care about you or your personal information.---------- |
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2024-05-09 |
frankmiller.com |
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2024-05-08 |
Mewborn & DeSelms |
Since 1997, Mewborn & DeSelms, Attorneys at Law, has provided a broad range of legal services to businesses, families and individuals--------------What kind of data was taken from network:-Business data (contracts, contacts, planning, etc)-Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc) -Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc)-other data taken from shares and personal foldersBusiness partners, clients and employees - REMEMBER, Mewborn & DeSelms management does not care about you or your personal information.----------Mewborn & DeSelms must contact us within the next 24 hours if they want to protect your data or everything will be made public. |
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2024-05-07 |
Young Consulting |
Young Consulting is the market leader in providing software solutions to the employer stop loss marketplace.---------What kind of data was taken from network:-Business data (contracts, contacts, planning, presentations, etc)-Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc)-Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc)-other data taken from shares and personal foldersTop management completely refused to negotiate thinking that we are bluffing.----------Business partners and employees - REMEMBER, Young Consulting management does not care about you or your personal information.----------Young Consulting has to contact us in the following 72 hours if they want to protect the data otherwise everything will be released to the public. |
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2024-05-06 |
Rafael Viñoly Architects |
Rafael Viñoly Architects, founded in 1983 and based in New York City — with offices in London, Manchester, Abu Dhabi, Buenos Aires, Chicago, and Palo Alto — is an internationally renowned architectural firm with projects spanning six continents. Over the past thirty-three years, the practice’s key trademark is its ability to reinvent institutional typologies and integrate the public realm into civic buildings. |
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2024-05-06 |
TRC Talent Solutions |
TRC Talent Solutions is a full-service talent solutions provider with over 40 years of industry experience. Established in 1980, TRC is one of the largest privately held staffing firms in the country. Like his father, President and CEO Brian Robinson, remains focused on the idea that the marketplace continues to need a staffing agency built on principles and values, and is committed to providing the highest level of service in the industry.Site: https://trctalent.com Sphere: business consulting servicesEmployees: 51–200Location: Atlanta, GASpecializations:Traditional Staffing, Direct Hire, Contingent Labor, RPO, Payrolling Services, Contingent-to-Hire Services, Contract Labor, IMPACT Conversion, Master Vendor Program, Statement of Work, Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Managed Services Provider (MSP), On-Site Programs, Administrative, Office Professional и Professional Services |
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2024-05-06 |
Nestoil |
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2024-04-27 |
Herron Todd White |
Herron Todd White is one of the largest independent property valuation firms in Australia. Our vision is to be the most respected and trusted property advisory organisation. We are committed to providing solutions of superior quality and value to help our clients reach their goals.Revenue $100 Milliondata 279g - just paperwork, no trash. 20g sql_DB - customer and transaction databasesA list of documents of great value has been compiled (zip archive 3.3g)http://temp.sh/BVmae/critical_data.zip |
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2024-04-24 |
Peter Condakes |
Since 1900, the Peter Condakes Company has been one of the best recognized names in the produce industry. -Despite many attempts to contact petercondakes.com - they have shown the utmost indifference to what has happened to them. We strongly recommend employees, customers, partners of this organization to understand - your data is not safe. |
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2024-04-23 |
Octapharma Plasma |
What kind of data was taken from Octapharma Plasma network:- Data of donors (ssn, dob, address)- Dead donors data (ssn, dob, address)- Data of donor centers- Laboratory data- Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc)- Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc)- Business data (contracts, contacts, planning, presentations, etc)- Other data taken from shares and personal folders |
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2024-04-19 |
Dvelectronics |
-Those who work for this company know this - your management absolutely does not care about you.Those who are partners know that they don't care about you, despite the many concessions we have made. They don't care about you and now your data is not safe. |
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2024-04-17 |
D&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;V Electronics |
all data will be released in the next few days.-Those who work for this company know this - your management absolutely does not care about you.Those who are partners know that they don't care about you, despite the many concessions we have made. They don't care about you and now your data is not safe. |
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2024-04-17 |
D&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;V Electronics |
all data will be released in the next few days.-Those who work for this company know this - your management absolutely does not care about you.Those who are partners know that they don't care about you, despite the many concessions we have made. They don't care about you and now your data is not safe. |
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2024-04-16 |
UPC Technology Corporation |
UPC Technology Corporation (UPC) is a leading, representative chemical company under the MiTAC-Synnex Group. Established in Taiwan in 1976, UPC Technology Corporation manufactures and markets chemicals. The Company's products include plasticizers and phthalic anhydride (PA). UPC also produces electrical chemicals, and semiconductor materials. Our team penetrated UPC's network and stayed there for about 8 days. We have downloaded 470GB of data from this network to our servers also. When downloading was finished the network was encrypted. What kind of data was taken from UPC network: -Business data (contracts, contacts, planning, presentations, etc) -Employee data (passports, contracts, contacts, family details, medical examinations, etc) -Product data (development, analysis, drawings, etc) -Factories data (projects, reports, audits, etc) -Production data (formulas, analysis, development, etc) -Financial data (audits, reports, payments, contracts, etc) -Construction data (blueprints, planning, construction details, etc) -other data taken from shares and personal folders UPC Technology Corporation's top management completely refused to negotiate thinking that we are bluffing. Nevertheless we were sending them emails with the sample of data leaked from their network. And we have never received an answer. Someone from the UPC side connected to our chat, but never responded to us. But what the UPC management doesn't know is that we gained access to Yi-Shaw Ko's (UPC VP) email account and we have been reading UPC top management emails for a week after the data leak incident. Despite reading current correspondence of the company we have digged deep into reading documents and reports of the company prepared for top management eyes only. What we have found through reading the email of the Company: -We have found out details about relations between UPC and Evonik, leading EU chemistry manufacturer. Those details contains confidential data, such as correspondence within which companies discussing how to avoid anti monopoly laws -Evonik's confidential documents were found also -Data related to problems within company such as supply shortage issues, condition of factory CO2 filters, reasons for unknown production blasts and others -Business plans and strategies since 2014 -2-PropylHeptanol factory construction details and issues -Correspondence with ministry regarding UPC business -Price regulation strategies -Production reports Main correspondence was saved through screenshots to be released to the public. All the data attached to corporate emails were saved and added to the main pool of leaked data. You can see the sample of data leaked from the UPC Technology Corporation network attached to this message. UPC Technology Corporation has to contact us in the following 72 hours if they want to protect the data otherwise everything will be released to the public. |
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2024-04-15 |
Biggs Cardosa Associates |
Founded in 1986, Biggs Cardosa Associates is a California structural engineering firm that provides design |
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2024-04-15 |
The Post and Courier |
The Post and Courier is the main daily newspaper in Charleston, South Carolina. It traces its ancestry to three newspapers, the Charleston Courier, founded in 1803, the Charleston Daily News, founded 1865, and The Evening Post, founded 1894. Through the Courier, it brands itself as the oldest daily newspaper in the South and one of the oldest continuously operating newspapers in the United States. It is the flagship newspaper of Evening Post Industries, which in turn is owned by the Manigault family of Charleston, descendants of Peter Manigault and Mr. Pierre Manigault himself as a president for a group of companies. Our team breached The Post and Courier's network and stayed there for over 2 weeks. As a result 500GB of data leaked from Evening Post's network. Leaked data belongs to following companies: -Aiken SC News -Post And Courier -Evening Post Industries -Evening Post Publishing -Evening Post Books -Courier Square LLC. -Post and Courier Advertising What kind of data leaked from the network: -Contracts -Documents -Ads layout data (layouts data) -Brainworks data (publisher soft data) -Personal data (address, emails, phone) -Customers data (contacts, emails, payments, etc) -Subscribers data (card payment info, home address, emails, contacts) -Financial data (bank balances, wire transfers, payments, taxes, etc) -Credit Cards data (owner names, valid thru, card holders address, payments, etc) -Employees data (ssn, home address, passports, DL, family data, contracts, emails, payments,etc) -Files being stored within Personal Computers and NAS shares We have contacted The Post and Courier management with an offer to protect leaked data for a fee. Mr.Manigault refused to pay for data protection, that is why you're reading this message. All the data leaked from The Post and Couriers' network was released to the public as a result of Mr.Manigault decisions. Feel free to use the data as you wish, because there is no reason to care about Mr.Manigault business and his customers if Mr.Manigault doesn't care about such things at all. It is strongly not recommended to deal with the Evening Post Industries in terms of security and data protection. The Manigault family is interested only in money, no one would care about your data or privacy there. Take care! All data will be released in 72 hours. |
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2024-04-12 |
MCP GROUP Commercial Contractor Topeka |
Founded in 1972 and headquartered in Topeka, Kansas, McPHERSON CONTRACTORS. |
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2024-04-09 |
Precision Pulley &amp;amp;amp;amp; Idler |
Precision Pulley and Idler Company, headquartered in Pella, Iowa, provides idlers, pulleys, take-up frames, and bearings for cement, grain---------------the data will be released in a few days----ppi-global.com has a revenue of $264.6 MillionIt's really funny to see big companies like ppi-global wiping their feet on their customers' data and contracts with their partners and writing posts like this."Well, we didn't secure as much as we were originally hoping for, but we did manage to get confirmation that we can afford to offer you $135,000 USD. We hope that's enough of a progression for you, if it's not we'll need to go back to the drawing board".(c) |
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2024-04-09 |
Eagle Hydraulic Components |
Eagle Hydraulic Components Inc. is a Canadian based manufacturer of engineered and standard Hydraulic Cylinders. |
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2024-04-09 |
MULTI-FILL is recognized worldwide as a leading provider of high-quality food filling systems for hard-to-fill products. |
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2024-04-09 |
JM Heaford |
Headquartered near Manchester, UK, JM Heaford Ltd was founded in 1983 as a manufacturer of gravure proofing equipment. |
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2024-04-09 |
Brewer & Company of WV |
Commercial ConstructionBrewer & Company has been involved in some of the largest and most prestigious projects in the region. Such projects include:CAMC David Lee Cancer Center (CAMC David Lee Cancer Center)Brewer & Company of WV, Inc. is headquartered in Charleston, WV with two branch offices located in Morgantown, WV and Martinsburg, WV.-----Brewer & Company of WV, Inc. is headquartered in Charleston, WV with two branch offices located in Morgantown, WV and Martinsburg, |
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2024-04-09 |
Olea Kiosks |
Olea Kiosks, Inc. is a self-service kiosk solution provider for the attractions and entertainment, healthcare and hospitality industries. |
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2024-04-09 |
Hudson Supplies |
Worldwide manufacturer and supplier of high quality plastic fasteners, metal hardware, hook & loop and webbing (cotton, polypro, nylon & polyester) and strong magnets. |
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2024-04-09 |
Homeocan |
Homeocan has been an industry leader in the homeopathy and natural products sector since it's founding in 1987. |
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2024-04-07 |
Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery |
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2024-04-07 |
Hello, everyone. SERVICES INFORMATIQUES POUR PROFESSIONNELS(SIP) is a French/Belgium IT company which offers "a proactive and quality IT service to SMEs and organizations based in Belgium, France and Luxembourg" Our team penetrated the SIP's network and stayed within this network for about 2 weeks. As a result over 190GB of data leaked from the SIP network. Our team gained access to SIP's customers cloud storage and we took everything from there. List of companies whose data leaked: -Alouvret -Brasserie DUBUISSON -Bonhomme Vert -Bowtex -cesu university -Cerepharma -Charlier Brison -Credissimo -Crelan -Cose -Centre Educatif de la Sainte-Union -David Delhaye -Distri-Boissons -Durwood -Ecobati -G-Pack -GENERATIONELEC V&P -GC Concult -Golden Cup -Fairoils -Knulog -L'artisan Gourmet -Le Château du Mylord -MedDevEyes -OliWoods -Pierre Joel Groupe -PromaNEt -SERVICES INFORMATIQUES POUR PROFESSIONNELS -TOF -Zetta and many others. What kind of data leaked from SIP's network: -Backups -Contracts -Documents -Winbooks data -Mercator data -Customers data (contacts, address, email, payments) -Financial data (bank balances, wire transfers, payments, taxes, etc) -BobDocs and Sage-box -Personal data (passports, contracts) -Personal contacts (address, email, phone) As you can see a lot of data which were supposed to be protected by SIP are leaked. We have made a long negotiation with Mr.Korstiaan who represented himself as a negotiator from the SIP side. As a result of these negotiations we have made a decision about the price, we provided SIP with payment details and the rest is history. We have never seen the money SIP was supposed to pay to protect leaked data and we have never received any response from them since that moment. This is why you can see the data of SIP and its customers shared to the public for free. It is strongly recommended not to use any of the services provided by SERVICES INFORMATIQUES POUR PROFESSIONNELS and not to deal with this company. Your data will not be protected! |
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2024-04-04 |
Precision Pulley &amp;amp;amp; Idler |
Precision Pulley and Idler Company, headquartered in Pella, Iowa, provides idlers, pulleys, take-up frames, and bearings for cement, grain---------------the data will be released in a few days----ppi-global.com has a revenue of $264.6 MillionIt's really funny to see big companies like ppi-global wiping their feet on their customers' data and contracts with their partners and writing posts like this."Well, we didn't secure as much as we were originally hoping for, but we did manage to get confirmation that we can afford to offer you $135,000 USD. We hope that's enough of a progression for you, if it's not we'll need to go back to the drawing board".(c) |
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2024-04-03 |
Phillip Townsend Associates |
Phillip Townsend Associates is the leader in global benchmarking solutions, headquartered in Houston, Texas. |
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2024-04-02 |
Precision Pulley &amp;amp; Idler |
Precision Pulley and Idler Company, headquartered in Pella, Iowa, provides idlers, pulleys, take-up frames, and bearings for cement, grain---------------the data will be released in a few days |
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2024-04-02 |
Gaia Herbs |
Gaia Herbs manufacture certified organic grower and nationally-branded herbal extracts based medicinals. |
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2024-04-01 |
Partridge Venture Engineering |
PVE, LLC was founded in 2008 from one of the strongest small engineering firms in Western Pennsylvania, Partridge Venture Engineering.---With approximately 200 employees, PVE has the expertise, capabilities and flexibility to address a wide range of project challenges and provide customized solutions for each of its clients.---information will be released in the next few days |
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2024-03-15 |
South St Paul Public Schools |
South St Paul Public Schools is a company that operates in the Education industry. It employs 251-500 people and has $25M-$50M of revenue. |
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2024-03-13 |
Judge Rotenberg Center |
The JUDGE ROTENBERG CENTER (JRC) is a special needs day and residential school located in Canto |
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2024-03-12 |
Withall |
Withall & Co, a firm of Chartered Accountants, has been successfully trading since 1992 and has a growing reputation as an outsourced finance team that consistently provides outstanding value to its impressive list of UK and international clients.We are experienced in working closely with parent companies based in Europe, Israel, Australia/ Asia and the United States. We have excellent working relationships with a broad spectrum of international and local accountancy firms through the RBB international network and law firms throughout Europe. Acting as the client’s local finance team we provide not only financial and business support but also assist our clients with legal matters, human resource management, administrative and other operational support issues. This allows clients to concentrate on their core business activities. |
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2024-03-12 |
Walker Sandford Property Management |
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2024-03-09 |
H + G EDV Vertriebs |
H + G EDV Vertriebs is a company that operates in the Information Technology and Services industry. It employs 51-100 people and has $1M-$5M |
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2024-03-09 |
Group Health Cooperative - Rev 500kk |
Patient and member data (MRN numbers, SSN numbers, patient ID, DOB, telephone, EMAIL, residential addresses, information about visits, medical history, various Patient Forms, CLINIC NOTE, scans of diagnoses and examinations with personal data, results of various laboratory tests and Lots of other patient information. Financial documents (balance sheets, budgets, PL reports, audits, statements, transaction reports, cashflow, presentations and many other important financial documents) Employees (ssn numbers, residential addresses, DOB, mail, license numbers, scans of personal documents and much more) Partner database, contracts, NDA forms, I Working documentation (drug db, presentation, reports, various government letters/reports and much more) SQL databases (patient database, employee database, participant database), mail correspondence. |
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2024-03-08 |
PowerRail Distribution |
Originally formed in 2003, PowerRail is a United States-based company, with several locations in various parts of the world. |
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2024-03-01 |
Gilmore Construction |
For over three decades Gilmore Construction has completed millions of square feet of wood framing here in Southern Nevad |
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2024-02-28 |
J A Piper Roofing |
J.A. Piper Roofing has been providing professional, commercial roofing services and sheet metal work in the Upstate for over 100 years. |
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2024-02-12 |
Antunovich Associates |
Antunovich Associates is an Architectural, Planning and Interior Design Firm with offices located in Chicago, Illinois, and Washington |
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2024-02-12 |
Southwest Binding & Laminating |
Southwest Binding & Laminating is a supplier of document binding and laminating equipment to public and private sector customers nationwide. |
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2024-02-07 |
Western Municipal Construction |
Commercial & Residential Construction · Montana, United States ----Servicing Municipalities & Private Companies throughout Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, Texas & Surrounding States. Headquartered in Billings, MT with branch offices in Wyoming, Texas and Bozeman, MT. |
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2024-02-07 |
Southwest Binding & Laminating |
Southwest Binding & Laminating is a supplier of document binding and laminating equipment to public and private sector customers nationwide. |
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2024-02-05 |
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids |
Campaign for Tobacco-Free KidsThe mission of the Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund is to improve health and save lives by reducing tobacco use, the number one cause of preventable disease. |
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2024-01-31 |
North Hill |
Elderly Care Services · Massachusetts, United States · 106 Employees---Since 1984, North Hill has been recognized as the leader in Massachusetts senior living, providing exceptional environments, luxurious residences and innovative opportunities for vibrant living. |
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2024-01-18 |
Groveport Madison Schools |
Education · Ohio, United States · 106 EmployeesGroveport Community School opened its doors on September 5, 2006 and serves students in grades K-4. К-8. |
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2024-01-09 |
Delco Automation |
Architecture, Engineering & Design · Canada · 200 Employees--Delco Automation Inc. is a premiere integrator of process automation and control systems. Delco Automation serves clients in North America in the following industries: water and wastewater, integrated security, ethanol, energy, mining, natural resources, oil and gas, chemicals, forestry, food processing, agriculture, environmental, and manufacturing. Our head office is centrally-located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Delco Automation is a single source of technical expertise in the combination of process control, SCADA, DCS, PLC’s, information systems, instrumentation, measurement, telecommunication systems, and control centers. Delco Automation performs feasibility and planning studies, followed by detailed design, manufacturing, procurement, integration, training, and commissioning for new-builds and retrofits. Delco Automation is able to provide basic consulting, or can take complete turn-key contracting responsibility for any size of automation or security project, from small compressor control panels, to “turnkey” water treatment plants, to large integrated security systems.-- |
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2024-01-03 |
Kershaw County School District |
Nestled in the heart of the Palmetto State, the Kershaw County School District is home to almost 10,000 students and over 1,300 employees in 20 schools |
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2023-12-25 |
Blaine County Schools |
Blaine County Schools is a company that operates in the Education industry. It employs 251-500 people and has $25M-$50M of revenue. |
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2023-12-08 |
GOLFZON is a leading global culture of indoor golf simulator. Awarded four consecutive years from 2017 to 2020 as best golf simulator in Golf Digest's Editor's Choice, GOLFZON has a presence in 62 countries with 6,200 commercial sites around the world |
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2023-12-05 |
fps.com |
FPS Flexible Packaging SolutionsFPS Flexible Packaging Solutions provides FIBCs or Big Bags, container liners, and and other flexible packaging for chemicals, foods, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and many other sectors. |
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2023-12-05 |
Henry County Schools |
Henry County Schools operates high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools throughout the state of Georgia. |
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2023-12-01 |
Centroedile Milano |
Centroedile is the most popular distributor of construction and renovation materials in Lombardy |
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2023-11-30 |
DePauw University |
DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, USA, is a private, national liberal arts college and School of Music. The school has a Methodist heritage and was originally known as Indiana Asbury University.-------214Gb personal data |
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2023-11-29 |
New River Community Technical College |
New River Community and Technical College serves nine counties in southeast and south central West Virginia: Fayette, Greenbrier, Mercer, Monroe, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Raleigh, Summers and Webster. ------------------------30% of the data will be made public by 30 Nov |
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2023-11-28 |
New River Community &amp; Technical College |
New River Community and Technical College serves nine counties in southeast and south central West Virginia: Fayette, Greenbrier, Mercer, Monroe, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Raleigh, Summers and Webster. ------------------------30% of the data will be made public by 30 Nov |
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2023-11-27 |
New River Community & Technical College |
New River Community and Technical College serves nine counties in southeast and south central West Virginia: Fayette, Greenbrier, Mercer, Monroe, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Raleigh, Summers and Webster. ------------------------ |
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2023-11-27 |
Huber Heights |
The City of Huber Heights and United Water are committed to providing reliable and efficient water and wastewater utility services to our customers |
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2023-11-17 |
Select Education Group |
5601 Stoddard Rd, Modesto, California, 95356, United StatesSelect Education Group (SEG) is a private post-secondary education group. Our mission is to produce employable graduates in select fields of study by providing quality education, expert instruction, consistent communication, support, and discipline in a professional environment. |
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2023-11-01 |
Hawkeye Area Community Action Program, Inc |
Hawkeye Area Community Action Program, Inc. (HACAP) began service for Linn County in 1965, following the enactment of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. This act provided for the development of community action programs that provide: "services, assistance, and other activities...to give promise of progress toward elimination of poverty." (EOA of 1964, Sec. 202a). This federal law provided for community-based efforts to minimize the negative impacts of low-wage incomes upon families and the community overall.In 1968, Linn, Johnson and Jones Counties merged to form Hawkeye Area Community Action Program, Inc. Iowa and Benton Counties joined HACAP in 1973 and Washington County was added in 1981. Today, HACAP provides a variety of anti-poverty programs and collaborates with community partners to serve individuals and families within a nine-county region that included Dubuque, Delaware and Jackson counties in 2020. |
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2023-10-19 |
Government of Brazil - Business Information Brazil |
Presidncia da Repblica is a company that operates in the Government industry. It employs 2,001-5,000 people and has $250M-$500M of revenue. |
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2023-10-13 |
Multidev Technologies |
ounded in 1997, Multidev Technologies Inc. develops and provides ERP Software Solutions for the Cross-Channel Retail, e-Tail and Wholesale industries. Multidev develops and maintains full control over source codes for two distinct products----------all files on the list - will be posted within 5 days |
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2023-09-13 |
Financial Services Commission |
The mandate of the Financial Services Commission (FSC) is to supervise and regulate the securities, insurance and private pensions industries. As such the FSC may be described as an integrated financial services regulator.The FSC has responsibility to manage the proper administration of the pensions, securities and insurance laws. In doing so the FSC oversees the registration, solvency and conduct of approximately 614 firms and over 4,800 individuals doing business in the pensions, securities and insurance (Life and General) industries. The FSC oversees these entities by administering a number of statutes and accompanying regulations. The relevant statutes are the FSC Act, the Pension Act, the Securities Act, the Unit Trusts Act and the Insurance Act.The FSC is governed by a Board of Commissioners established by law and made up of a Chairman, and up to 9 other Commissioners, including the Executive Director. The Executive Director is appointed by the other Commissioners who in turn are appointed by the Minister of Finance. The Executive Director is the only full time Commissioner and she is responsible for managing the activities of the FSC.The FSC also handles customer complaints and provides the public with important financial information. Through its Complaints Department, any grievances consumers may have with the practices of the insurance, securities, or private pensions industries may be examined. |
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2023-07-24 |
IT Luggage |
IT luggage was established in London in 1985 as Landor Ltd., designing quality luggage suitable for business and leisure needs. We were the first U.K. luggage company to begin importing from China, enabling us to offer affordable, quality luggage without compromisiWho is IT LuggageIT Luggage HeadquartersRiverside House River Way, Harlow, Essex, CM20 2DW, United Kingdom+44 1279441411IT Luggage Websitewww.itluggage.co.ukRevenue $27.8MEmployees <125 |
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2023-07-05 |
ZooTampa at Lowry Park |
Voted Tampa’s Best Family Attraction and 11-time winner of TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Award, ZooTampa offers unforgettable adventures for all ages. Enjoy an amazing, lush tropical setting with naturalistic habitats that provide up-close connections with animals from around the world. The Zoo originated in the 1930’s as a municipal department with a small number of Florida native species. It grew gradually throughout the next four decades, but struggled to meet the developing professional standards of modern zoos.In 1982, community leaders created the Lowry Park Zoo Association to take over management of the Zoo for the City of Tampa with the goal of creating a world-class zoo through a public-private partnership. The Association then became the Lowry Park Zoological Society of Tampa, Inc., as it remains today. Working with a national zoo designer, the Society was able to create a modern, 24-acre facility that opened to the public in 1988 and shortly after earned Accreditation by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA).ZooTampa has now grown to what now encompasses 56 acres of naturalistic animal exhibits in a lush, tropical garden setting. The Zoo offers popular educational programming, fun recreational amenities, up-close animal encounters and engaging seasonal events for which it has won accolades as one of the country’s most family-friendly zoos. |
2023-06-18 |
Stant |
Founded in 1898 and headquartered in Connersville, Indiana, Stant Corporation is a global supplier of vapor management systems, fuel delivery systems, thermal management systems and engineering services. |
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2023-06-18 |
Venture Logistics |
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2023-06-18 |
MARJAM Supply company |
Founded in 1979, Marjam Supply started with the purchase of a warehouse in Greenpoint, Brooklyn and a few thousand dollars in assets.The mission from the start was to provide a highly specialized and customer service driven distribution chain of lumber, plywood and other building materials to the trade. Since the beginning, Marjam has experienced strong continuous year over year growth.Marjam now operates 40 “super centers” in more than 12 states that serve the entire East Coast from Canada to Florida and is one of the most respected businesses in the competitive construction supply industry in the U.S. We therefore, owe this growth to the loyalty and repeat business of our valued customers.Even with such robust growth, we have made sure that the individual attention and specialized service still drives every one of us at Marjam each day. |
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